View Full Version : Laguna Revo 10-16

Chris Wdowiak
02-16-2017, 3:30 PM
I am lucky enough to live close to the Corporate offices of Laguna and they posted on Craigslist they were selling store demo's of their small Lathe. I know they do not offer it new anymore. But I went ahead and picked one up. They are brand new never used. I also built a stand for it to go on. My son, who is 13, and I are looking forward to using it for the first time this weekend. I think I found something he is interested in other than video games. Thought I would share some pictures with everyone.

Mark Bolton
02-16-2017, 4:16 PM
Looks pretty slick. What were the selling those for if you dont mind me asking? Congratulations on the score. Hopefully your son becomes addicted to turning.

Chris Wdowiak
02-16-2017, 4:39 PM
They were selling them for $250 plus shipping. I just swung by their offices, so no shipping cost for me which made it worth it.

Mark Bolton
02-16-2017, 5:38 PM
Wow. Major score. Good for you.

Gary Muto
02-17-2017, 5:19 PM
I bought that lathe when they came out (Late 2012??). I like it. Did you get the outboard tool reat mount too?

Chris Wdowiak
02-17-2017, 8:21 PM
No I did not. But when I was at the shop picking it up. I was talking to one of the guys there that had one and he said the only bad thing about the outboard was that it was not threaded in the opposite direction, so it could spin off. So be careful if you do use it. It would of been a non-issue if the lathe had a reverse.

He also said they stopped selling this lathe cause they are looking at coming out with a new improved model. He did not have a time frame for the new lathe.

Thomas Canfield
02-17-2017, 9:57 PM
Looks like a good set up for a starter for your son. A lot better than video games for sure. Keep posting his progress.