View Full Version : New to Me Jointer ID help Pease

Steve Russell tucker
02-07-2017, 11:04 PM
Hello all ,
I bought this jointer353435 for a great price ,after my 4 inch craftsman literally caught on fire ..... anyway the person I bought it from must have removed the plate that has the model number and after spending every day light hour today looking for some identifying number I am no better off than when I started I tried looking it up google and OWWM.com but I can't seem to locate anything but 1 pic of a 4 inch model I emailed tool kraft but haven't heard back (i'm not sure they are still in business) ,I really just want to order new knives or find out if these ones are reversible before I go taking the old ones off and find out they don't make them any more or something .I'm pretty new to woodworking but I love it and I'm trying to get better . I would appreciate any help or guidance you can give and thank you in advance. have a great day

John Gustafson
02-08-2017, 1:24 AM
You do have a bit of a relic there. Obviously, Montgomery Wards has been out of business for a lot of years. Not sure who made powercraft for them. I've got one of their Radial Arm saws so I sympathize. Several years ago I needed some parts and I found a couple of places that had NOS parts. One was n the Boston area, the other somewhere in the St. Louis area. Can't help beyond that, I've moved twice since then and any records of who they were are well buried. Blades should not be a huge issue for that unit, there are several aftermarket suppliers out there and given dimensions, something should fit. Good luck.

Chris Hachet
02-08-2017, 7:30 AM
I have a Wards Power Craft lathe...good luck with the jointer, hopefully you find parts!