View Full Version : Dungeon Shop, moving days..

steven c newman
02-05-2017, 2:09 PM
Ok, Dresser is completed. time to get on with the Dungeon Shop Remodel Project.;)
Day 1:
Hmmm, where did all the "stuff" go?
Well..the top three drawers are now full...
Still have the fourth drawer down to fill up, and the bottom one has barely sttarted to fill up.
Plan WAS to salvage yard the dryer, to make room for the dresser to sit in.....plans were changed..:mad:
The so-called "Working Dryer" quit working, and we tried to repair...wound up salvaging a few good spare parts, and scrap the rest.
Moved the old dryer over into it's place..
Hooked it up, tried it out....it worked like new!:D
Been trying to clean it up today. had the whole family down there, shop cat and all. Almost two trash bags were swept up from the floor. Cleaned almost $2 out of the scrapped dryer:eek:
Took two people to move the dresser to it's new home..
Looks a bit better? The floor drain is in the corner to the left. We ran out of trash bags, before I could finish the cleaning out..
maybe when more bags arrive?

The cleaned floor is where I work, most of the time.

Now, just have to see what else needs placed in some drawers....shop needed cleaned up, anyway...:rolleyes:

Noah Magnuson
02-05-2017, 7:29 PM
I am doing a major organizational effort as well. Unfortunately, I'm still on the "going to get a bit messier before it can get organized proper" stage. The dresser filled up fast. Looking good.

Andrew Pitonyak
02-05-2017, 8:59 PM
Looks great Steve... Will more storage just feed your inner hoarder, or is that just me? :D

I think that God smiled on you greatly with the timing of that failure, it would have been horrid if you dumped one dryer and then the other failed.

Noah, document what you do and enlighten us as Steve has done. I can always learn from how others store their tools and make changes.

Chris Hachet
02-05-2017, 10:01 PM
Moving right along!

steven c newman
02-06-2017, 5:18 PM
Dryer has been sent to the Salvage yard as "Shredder Iron" Did not get a whole lot for 80 pounds. Oh well. Found almost as much in change inside the dryer...

I try not to work in the shop on Mondays......bad things happen. We did pick up a few more trash bags, so tomorrow I can load those up....Then find something to set in that open spot...

Have a box full of those plastic handled chisels.....might see about making a wood box, and throwing out the cardboard one.

have a lot of Pine scraps, I can either burn them in a fire pit, or make use of them.....may take more than one Brain Cell to figure that out....

steven c newman
02-06-2017, 8:30 PM
Added some pictures to this update:
nestled back in a corner, is the sole drain for the shop. White "pipe" is the drain from the washer. I added a shim to one foot of the dresser.....floor is a bit uneven.
By Order/ Decree of The Boss. This pile will be hauled up the stairs, and out to the trash. period.
This is what ones sees, when they get to the bottom step. Yes, that shop light IS that bright.
These I am calling The Orphans. I need a tray of some sort to set these in. ( Bonus: See how many you can ID...)
Had a shelf that things got sat on all the time...and would also walk off onto the floor. Maybe this Keeper will stop that?
Now, about that old cardboard box of chisels?
Need to build a better box to hold all of these.....as soon as I figure out what all is in there...
The pine scraps?
And some 1/4" plywood cut offs. Might find some use for these.....

Don Orr
02-07-2017, 9:53 AM
Nice job on the clean out. I should do some myself.

glenn bradley
02-07-2017, 10:02 AM
Great progress, you should feel good about that. We're in the middle of combining two similar sized homes into one. The 'gym' and guest bath are so full of stuff it looks like an episode of "Hoarders". Getting things to the point where you have enough room to move about is the first step in the domino run to getting organized and it feels great to see some real progress. Kudos!

Chris Hachet
02-07-2017, 10:31 AM
Great progress, looking forward to seeing it next month when I come up.

steven c newman
02-07-2017, 9:28 PM
Had a bunch of these to find a home for..
Found places for the normal screwdrivers, and the chisels in there, still had a few to find a home for..
But, there was at least this many still upstairs.....maybe build a tote, that I can fit into the 4th drawer down in the dresser?
Used up a few chunks of pine scraps..
just a random angle, whatever looked good. These are for the ends.....had a longer board I THOUGHT I could use as a bottom...
But problems arose when I tried to make the tails to match these..
Edge grain does not do tails that well....change the plan.....Long board becomes the side of the tote....but, I didn't have a matching long board....
Well, after some fussing and cussing around, came up with this. Bottom is a glued and nailed 1/4" plywood scrap. I notched out for a 1x2 stiffener, and glued and screwed it in place. Final side is also a plywood panel. Also glued and nailed in place.

Waiting til tomorrow, then the clamps can come off. Then I'll see about adding a handle, and maybe even a divider or two. have to keep the "yankees" and the Millers Falls separate, right?

Just a way to store all those push drill/screwdrivers in the drawer. When needed, I can lift the tote to the bench. When not in use, I can place the tote back into Drawer #4 and keep the dust off of all the toys...stay tuned, more to come..

steven c newman
02-08-2017, 4:44 PM
Well, I got the tote out of the clamps today.....and added a handle..
Didn't feel like drilling holes into the ends, so I notched the 7/8" dowel instead.
Drill a pilot hole, counter sink for the screw. Add a bead of glue. Then started to fill the tote up..
Drills to one side, screwdrivers to the other side...drilled a few holes..
To hold a few nail sets. Tried the tote out in the drawer..
handle clears the opening. Was looking a tad lonely in there, though..
Been using the old OEM Stanley 45 box to store my Dremel in. It now resides in the drawer with the tote.

Boxed up the "special" planes..
Closed the lid..
And found a place to stash it, as well..

steven c newman
02-08-2017, 4:49 PM
Stashed the plane box in "plain" site, for now..
Then decided to rehab a plane or two......as the weather outside was...depressing..
Liked it down in the shop, better.
Rebuilt a "Craftsman No.4" ( late 60s model) into something a bit better, and re-did the chipbreaker on the No. 035 plane.
Still loading up the drawers with items.....may need a "Treasure Map" when I get done...

Now, for the next little project in the Remodel job.....making a box to hold these "extras"
Might be "fun" to do? Stay tuned....

steven c newman
02-09-2017, 6:40 PM
Spent today cleaning up a few block planes.....Started to put the "new" ones into the spaces in the til.......I have 12 block planes, but only enough spaces for 11? Either I need a different til for them, or I need to thin the herd a bit...

Will get a few pictures, next time I wander down that way.........could be I have too many block planes? Maybe? nah....

Stew Denton
02-09-2017, 8:52 PM
Hi Steven,

If you have one more block plane than you have spaces for, I am not following how "I need to thick the hear a bit" will help that situation. I can see how "thinning" the herd might help....but "thicking" it ?

I can speaking from personal experience that "thicking" my herd of hand saws, that was already too thick, did not in any way help my storage situation..

Just kidding.


steven c newman
02-09-2017, 8:57 PM
Spell check didn't catch it......maybe it should have been Cull the Herd........Used to do that, every time the headcount got to be over 15......

The "extra" is more of a "parts" plane, anyway......an H1249, at that.

steven c newman
02-10-2017, 1:43 AM
Ok, Half & Half time:
Half, and....
Half. 12 Block planes. Like clamps, can never have enough?

Awhile ago, found an old drawer on the curb, awaiting Trash Day....seemed a shame to trash it. Kept it around, in case I might need it.
Not much to look at.....I could always refinish the front:rolleyes:
But< I needed a way to stash a bunch of chisels....and use up a bunch of thin scraps of pine....
Although the wood handled chisels were too long to sit like this, I did have enough of the shorter chisels..
Just laying things out right now. Maybe some Elmer's, and small nails to attached the dividers in place?

I could build a second drawer to hold the longer chisels, and maybe a case to hold both drawers? Might have enough scraps laying around, that need something better to do.
We'll see how this drawer turns out, first, and go from there...

steven c newman
02-10-2017, 5:25 PM
For some reason, I just took the day off from the shop. There will be an Up-date by this time tomorrow. Seems my son has went out and bought a new "all in one" washer/dryer machine. One ( non-stackable types) machine that washes and dries clothes. Which means we have to haul the old pair of machines up and out of the shop, install the new machine, AFTER we somehow get it down into the shop. Then I can see how much more shop room I can "steal".....:eek:

Drawer of chisels? Well, I might be able to build a short case for it, and maybe a couple more drawers. We'll see.

Hey, I am retired, I can take a Friday off from the shop...now and then...:rolleyes:

Chris Hachet
02-10-2017, 7:56 PM
Looking good!

steven c newman
02-11-2017, 10:46 AM
The trash pile the Boss wanted to be taken out? Took all but one bag from a roll of those City Pick up bags, but...other than a sore back and a sweaty body....I have cleared that spot out, down to bare concrete...

The Boss and craig have gone to pick up the new, washer/dryer all-in-one machine. It SHOULD be able to fit in the back of the van, with the stow-n-go seats stowed down.

Film @ 2300 hrs.....or..you can watch Stan and Ollie in Busy Bodies....about the same sort of luck.....?

steven c newman
02-11-2017, 11:40 AM
Stage 6 is well underway!
This "mess" is now..
Gone! Big mound of Blue Baggies outside, awaiting trash day..
About 8 baggies full. Three 23 yr olds are now at work, moving out the old machines, and bringing the new machine in. Beer may be involved, later.
The snow this week decided to trash the Gazebo, though..
Will toss this mess out next time around. The part still standing is for the grill.

steven c newman
02-11-2017, 8:33 PM
I'll get back to wood working tomorrow ( I hope to hide out down there quite a while) But...the main reason all the moving around was for this machine to have a spot to sit in..
Washes AND dries, all in one machine. Son bought it. Working dryer went next door to some friends of his, as theirs went down. Old washer is heading for the Salvage yard, Monday.
Went to Lowes tonight, and picked up a spare water hose for the new machine ( one of the existing is looking.."iffy") and a "Gold Plated" 1 x 10 x 8' pine plank. Will work out a "cut list" and see how many parts I can get out of it....

Thanks to a wee bit of water still in the old washer, the floor was even mopped!
I suppose I will have to build the Boss something for her washing supplies, and set it in here..
Like between the drain line, and the Combo machine? Bucket may be on it's way out the door, not sure what is in it, even. Twas down here when we moved it....

steven c newman
02-13-2017, 6:49 PM
Ok, have a boat-load of chisels sitting around, doing nothing. Have a curb-find drawer for half of them..
Made up a bunch of pine dividers..
One end..
And the other. Now, I just need a spot to put this thing in...
Hmmm, I could build a chest of 2 drawers to fit right there....Maybe extend the "top" of the case to add a shelf to store other items?

Sounds like another woodworking project coming up, don't it? I'll start one in a little bit....stay tuned..