View Full Version : Thought you might like to see this example of "Sharp Enough"

Winton Applegate
01-26-2017, 12:26 AM
I been hanging out with the bad boys over in some knife forum.
Remember I always blabbed on and on about when it's sharp it will take curls off an individual hair while the hair is still in your arm ?

First off this isn't my work or my photo; it is from a guy over there that goes by Jason B.
He sharpens stuff. (I'd post a link but then that would set off alarms and stuff and the police would be called and . . . )

I was never able to even come close to photographing it but I came across this photo last night that Jason took and figured I'd bring it over here.

Pretty good huh ?

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/Picture507_zpsulbnxskf.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/Picture507_zpsulbnxskf.jpg.html)

Brian Holcombe
01-26-2017, 12:32 AM

Welclme back Winton!

Christopher Charles
01-26-2017, 12:46 AM
Wild! Good to hear from you Winton.


Derek Cohen
01-26-2017, 1:01 AM
I think that I can see a little tearout there, Winton :)

Regards from Perth


Patrick Chase
01-26-2017, 1:15 AM
I think that I can see a little tearout there, Winton :)

Wouldn't that be called "hair-out" in his instance?

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Nice sharpening, and nice picture.

Winton Applegate
01-26-2017, 1:38 AM
Hi Guys,


I have gone down some perverted and twisted path . . . doing things with woodworking tools that no sane person should have to witness.

I’ll let the photos tell the ugly twisted tail. Basically I removed the molded on handle material from this knife (second from left; the boning knife). . .

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4115_zpsakbrszjv.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4115_zpsakbrszjv.jpg.html)

I marked out with a white pencil . . .
http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4122_zpsaymvaxrf.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4122_zpsaymvaxrf.jpg.html)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4131_zpsuozarhhl.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4131_zpsuozarhhl.jpg.html)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4139_zpsp1zaxjr4.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4139_zpsp1zaxjr4.jpg.html)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4143_zps4lmvdo4v.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4143_zps4lmvdo4v.jpg.html)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4203_zpsid28krg5.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4203_zpsid28krg5.jpg.html)

A titanium framed knife; sure is skinny with no handle scales.
http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4216_zpszg19b1e9.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4216_zpszg19b1e9.jpg.html)

There isn’t that better ?
http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4234_zpsy9lhrzl9.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4234_zpsy9lhrzl9.jpg.html)

It used to look like this
First knife in foreground
http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4070_zpslvivgtqw.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4070_zpslvivgtqw.jpg.html)

And put the handle material on and sanded ‘er flush. A FrankenKnife but I love her . . . there . . . I said it.
http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/noydb1/IMG_4253_zpsnfa3iky5.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/noydb1/media/IMG_4253_zpsnfa3iky5.jpg.html)

Yes it folds

Malcolm Schweizer
01-26-2017, 1:50 AM
Welcome back! I'm sorry to inform you that we have already split many hairs on this forum over sharpening things. :D That's a pretty neat trick there. I must try it.

Nice knife work there. I agree- titanium knives are always a bit thin. I prefer a much larger knife...

Winton Applegate
01-26-2017, 1:58 AM
I prefer a much larger knife...

Was that Derek ?!
That was Derek wasn't it.

He's such a bad ace.

ken hatch
01-26-2017, 2:30 AM

Good to see a post, this shebang has been in need of some color with the likes of you, Harold, and David not posting.


Malcolm Schweizer
01-26-2017, 2:38 AM
Was that Derek ?!
That was Derek wasn't it.

He's such a bad ace.

No, Derek's encounter would have gone more like this:
"That's not a knoife, this is a knoife- the blade is A1 tool steel sharpened on Japanese waterstones to 10,000 grit with a bevel angle of 22.5 degrees. I created this honing jig to facilitate sharpening at exacting angles. The scales were hand carved from jacaranda and inlaid with Ebony. I made this nice wood scabbard for it using red gum. All the joints are hand dovetailed and.... Hey, wait- why are you running away? I was just about to explain the tape trick..."

All respect to Derek, who I am sure is reading in good humor.

Jim Koepke
01-26-2017, 2:43 AM
Good to see you back.


Derek Cohen
01-26-2017, 3:03 AM
No, Derek's encounter would have gone more like this:
"That's not a knoife, this is a knoife- the blade is A1 tool steel sharpened on Japanese waterstones to 10,000 grit with a bevel angle of 22.5 degrees. I created this honing jig to facilitate sharpening at exacting angles. The scales were hand carved from jacaranda and inlaid with Ebony. I made this nice wood scabbard for it using red gum. All the joints are hand dovetailed and.... Hey, wait- why are you running away? I was just about to explain the tape trick..."

All respect to Derek, who I am sure is reading in good humor.


Hey, wait ... there's more .................................................. ................................................


Frederick Skelly
01-26-2017, 6:37 AM
Pretty darn sharp. But more importantly, WELCOME BACK WINTON!!! We've missed ya dude!

I see you're still using that Purpleheart workbench! (I finally bought some Purpleheart and I really like the way it looks with a blonde shellac finish.)


Frederick Skelly
01-26-2017, 6:44 AM
No, Derek's encounter would have gone more like this:
"That's not a knoife, this is a knoife- the blade is A1 tool steel sharpened on Japanese waterstones to 10,000 grit with a bevel angle of 22.5 degrees. I created this honing jig to facilitate sharpening at exacting angles. The scales were hand carved from jacaranda and inlaid with Ebony. I made this nice wood scabbard for it using red gum. All the joints are hand dovetailed and.... Hey, wait- why are you running away? I was just about to explain the tape trick..."

All respect to Derek, who I am sure is reading in good humor.

Dang Malcolm. You made me spit coffee all over the monitor again! (Sorry Derek. Just teasing.)

Robert McNaull
01-26-2017, 12:39 PM
No, Derek's encounter would have gone more like this:
"That's not a knoife, this is a knoife- the blade is A1 tool steel sharpened on Japanese waterstones to 10,000 grit with a bevel angle of 22.5 degrees. I created this honing jig to facilitate sharpening at exacting angles. The scales were hand carved from jacaranda and inlaid with Ebony. I made this nice wood scabbard for it using red gum. All the joints are hand dovetailed and.... Hey, wait- why are you running away? I was just about to explain the tape trick..."

All respect to Derek, who I am sure is reading in good humor.

I will forevermore read all of Derek's posts in my head in the voice of Crocodile Dundee thanks to this post.


Patrick McCarthy
01-26-2017, 1:16 PM
Welcome home Winton. Many here missed you!

Mel Fulks
01-26-2017, 1:25 PM
Yeah,Winton, good to see you back! And there is a big back log of "vise ,vice " errors for you to fix.

William Fretwell
01-26-2017, 3:09 PM
There's a shampoo for that! The shampoo only works on human hair, it's useless on monofilament fishing line.

Pat Barry
01-26-2017, 3:41 PM
Err Winton, was that a bevel up or bevel down knife that made that shaving?

Andrew Pitonyak
01-27-2017, 9:36 AM
I want to know how close the follicle breaker was to the edge!

Welcome back Winston!

Andrew Hughes
01-27-2017, 9:52 AM
Winstons back did someone leave the back door open.:D
Nice sharpness photo knife guy here.

Andrew Pitonyak
01-27-2017, 12:46 PM
so am I the only one who cannot see a picture?

David Eisenhauer
01-27-2017, 8:02 PM
Thanks Pat for asking BU or BD. I thought of that when the photo was first posted but did not have the stomach to start it up as it is a very, very short and steep slope down from sharpening to BU/BD.