View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
06-20-2003, 9:05 AM
Hey, it's Friday again!!

What are you up to this weekend? Any sawdust in your plans?

I'm teaching a raised panel box class at the local ww's toy store tomorrow. I have been told that I am going to an arena football game tomorrow night. That should be interesting. I hope to start on my new mobile bench/assembly table on Sunday, but SWMBO has not yet told me what my plans are for Sunday.:rolleyes:

Tomorrow is the first day of summer, so stay cool!


Gary Bindel
06-20-2003, 9:24 AM
Unfortunately, no woodworking. But, I'm putting in a 13' x 25' patio. This week, I have been picking up a cu. yard of limestone screenings each night on the way home from work. I got the bricks for free from a friend whose wife decided she didn't like the way they looked, so he took them out and put in a different style. I just paid his 12 y/o son to help me load and unload them.:D

Noah Alkinburgh
06-20-2003, 9:33 AM
If it rains, then I will be trying to putter around in the shop. Need to try and make a picture frame, maybe some toy tools, and start some other toys.

If it doesn't rain...well I will be digging some more for my patio.


David Blangger
06-20-2003, 9:41 AM
Gram went with the kids and grandkids to *six flags* and I am going to putter and try best to duplicate Ken:D :D

Jim Becker
06-20-2003, 9:51 AM
No sawdust--hopefully--as I'll be spraying finishes for most of the weekend unless I can get it all completed on Saturday. (Unlikely) Once that is done and time allowing, I may get to start cutting up more plywood for additional cabinet carcases or milling a gazillion board feet of poplar that is taking up space in front of my miter station.

Rain is on the agenda again, too, so at least I'll be in the shop all weekend!

Dan Bussiere
06-20-2003, 11:23 AM
This weekend is brakes for the wife's car. Then there is the dusting, dishes.......


Steve Clardy
06-20-2003, 11:45 AM
May go to a sale saturday. Goodies. Sunday, don't know yet. Steve

Scott Coffelt
06-20-2003, 2:17 PM
a concert Sat night - Journey, Stix and REO. Would like to finish up the blower for the cyclone.

Probably the typical outdoor yard work.

Heading out of town Monday - 2 days in Raliegh and 2 days in New Orleans, so I will be spending some family time also.

Steven Wilson
06-20-2003, 3:05 PM
This weekend I plan to rub out the shellac on a mahogany vase stand I turned as well as clean up, tune, and sharpen a couple of new Clifton bench planes.

Scott Greaves
06-20-2003, 3:31 PM
OK, this weekend I'm really going to do it! My Wife is in a class all day Saturday, and I have a craft show to prepare for on Thursday! I'm going to make as many pens, keychains, and bottle stoppers as I can between now and then. Also, I finally got an outlet wired in for 220v, so now I can use the new lathe to do this on! For those who don't follow my every move (yeah, right!) I brought a new Oneway 1224 home from the Utah Woodturning Symposium over a month ago. The insulation and drywall people want to get working on my shop in about two weeks, but I may not be ready for them with all this turning I need to do. What a nice perdicament! I think I'll live through it! ;-)


Doug Littlejohn
06-20-2003, 4:08 PM
Well, no sawdust but will continue to get some work done for the shop. Trim some trees and take one down to make room for new bldg. Then some more grading.

Then I get to install a couple of ceiling fans and then figure out how to fix my HVAC system. The people who installed it (long before I got here) thought it would be a good idea to use the attic as the return to the main unit!!!!!

Geesh, working on figuring out why not much A/C downstairs, get up in the attic and it's 65 degrees !! (about 98 outside). Look at both returns with their filters removed and all there is, is the open space to the attic !!.

So now I gots to learn about HVAC and how to fix.

After that it's change oil and then weekly visit to moms.

Some day I WILL be able to talk about makin SAWDUST.

John Miliunas
06-20-2003, 11:22 PM
Cut up/square up some small pieces of Oak I finally got around to jointing/planing (from the woodburning pile, no less). Sat. morning a short trip to pick up some of that $1.00 a bd/ft Oak and $0.40 a bd/ft Poplar, bring it home, stack it, etc. Tidy up the shop a bit, pool maintenance, maybe slap together a couple small bracelette boxes. Also promised my youngest to take her to the new Jim Carey movie Sunday evening. Hope everyone has a great weekend! :cool:

Ted Shrader
06-21-2003, 10:08 AM
What are you up to this weekend? Any sawdust in your plans?

Selling a house. Have been working pretty much non-stop doing all the little fix-up things to get it ready.


Dennis Peacock
06-22-2003, 9:36 AM
Well.....LOML had plans for ME to wash and wax both cars, cut grass, work on yard and some minor house stuff. Work "work" has been there as well and I am sure more to come before Monday.

Be Cool when you can.....