View Full Version : Sleds vs. Store-bought

Bill Fields
10-12-2005, 3:06 AM
Opinions please-Just got the Incra "latest Super Miter Gauge" and their "Miter Express".Wondering if I could have used the $250 or so to do something else with.
It is installed, but not used yet.Instructions, contrary to previous reports, were occasionaly muddy. On the miter gauge instructions, the main reference was for a discontinued model. There were seperate inserts "explaining" the double references and errors. Come on Taylor Designs--how much does it cost to produce and print a correct 3-4 pieces of paper? Maybe 15 cents.
So--I'll test it and report.
By far the majority of my cross-cuts are mid-large panels, going into case-work. My experience with previous inaccuracies of errors of 1/8 to 1/4 in a 36-40 inch cross-cut led to difficulty in squaring and many other time-consuming, lumber-wasting, curse-provoking issues.
Thanks for all comments.BILL FIELDSPS: My $25 is in and I have encouraged Keith to set up a regular simple inexpensive subscription policy. The several WW mags do, and I get more out of the Creek!

Tony Falotico
10-12-2005, 6:36 AM
Hi Bill, square was one of my biggest problems, couldn't seem to achieve it no matter what I did.

I recently sprung for the miter express and use it with my JDS Accu-Miter Miter Gauge. So far, I'm impressed, cut some panels last weekend for a counter I made, and checking the diagonals, they WERE square.

As for the instructions, didn't give me any problems, they were fairly straight forward.