View Full Version : Finish questions for colored rim platters

Jeremy Pyatskowit
01-20-2017, 11:46 AM
I've recently started playing around with dyes and most of the finish processes use lacquer to seal the rim. However, since it's winter and I'm working in the basement lacquer isn't a viable option. I'm looking for other suggestions for finishing the rim that won't stink up the house. My go to finish til now has been AO which works great for my other work.

Sid Matheny
01-20-2017, 1:14 PM
Water based lacquer is one option.


Steve Doerr
01-20-2017, 2:32 PM
I have used both wipe on poly (6 to 12 coats) and also CA (10 to 20 coats). The CA does not go on as easily or as smoothly as it does for pens because of the size of the rim. It does require that you sand it back at least two or three times during the application process depending on how smoothly you are able to get the finish. I usually sand back after 10 coats and then after my final coat. Just like with the finish on pens, I start my sanding with 120 or 180 and work my way up to 400 for the first sanding and then with the final sanding I'll follow the same process except I'll finish it by wet sanding with micro mesh. You do have to be careful not to sand thru your layers of CA because you will then be sanding your stain. (Been there done that and it is no fun.). I have sometimes also used some auto polish/rubbing compound to get rid of some of the scratches that I was not able to get rid of with the MM. I use medium CA for my CA finish. You will get a very nice glass like finish with the CA.