View Full Version : Cherry Hollow Form

Jim Ketron
10-11-2005, 7:33 PM
This was my first HF roughout, I been putting off finishing it till now. The finish is wipe on poly. Measures 8" wide X 3" tall.
(Click on the image for a larger pic)

Travis Stinson
10-11-2005, 8:19 PM
Looks great Jim! Nice job all the way around.

Mark Cothren
10-11-2005, 8:45 PM
Good one, Jim! There's nothing to not like about this one, in my opinion. Very nice!

Thanks for the picture!

Bruce Shiverdecker
10-11-2005, 8:45 PM
Very NICE Jim. Really gettin' this Hollow form thing down pat.


John Hart
10-11-2005, 10:04 PM
I like it Jim! Very touchable shape.

Keith Burns
10-11-2005, 10:22 PM
Great form and finish ! You got to be getting tired of turning by now.

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 10:59 PM
Jim, your product and output is simply amazing! Very nice HF!:) Man, I wish I could crank stuff like that out in 9 times as long as it takes you! Great job!:) :cool:

Dick Parr
10-11-2005, 11:51 PM
Great job Jim

Michael Stafford
10-12-2005, 5:51 AM
Very beautiful, Jim. Hard to beat the beauty of a piece of cherry!:cool: