View Full Version : Delta 34-444 Contractor Saw binds before 90 degrees

Michael Walton
01-13-2017, 10:40 AM
I recently got a new top for my table saw because the old one was rusted beyond repair. I cleaned and reassembled the saw, and despite everything moving more smoothly, the same problem remains as on with the old tabletop -- when cranking the saw to 90 degrees, it almost gets there but then starts to bind. It's not hitting the stop, but there is some heavy resistance (and will even pull at the side of the casing as you crank). What am I missing? You can eventually crank it to the stop, but it is a two handed, potentially damaging amount of work.

glenn bradley
01-13-2017, 11:50 AM
I know you say it is not hitting the stop. I just want to clarify that you are saying the stop collar that is on the screw shaft of the adjusting rod is not being hit, right? Part number 130 here (http://www.ereplacementparts.com/delta-34444-type-contractors-saw-parts-c-3275_3334_14106.html).

Michael Walton
01-13-2017, 1:35 PM
Not the stop collar (130). The stop screw (part 140/141). I've actually removed the stop screw assembly (139-142) and it still binds towards the end of going to 90 degrees.

Michael Walton
01-13-2017, 3:58 PM
Seems like the stop collar (130) gouged the rod and that's what is causing the friction (I think). More work currently being performed.

Michael Walton
01-13-2017, 4:20 PM
Nope that wasn't it. But since the new table has stop adjustments that's what's causing the resistance!