View Full Version : Two Headed Powermatic 3520

Bob Bergstrom
01-10-2017, 9:56 AM

Our woodturning club was doing a demo on different styles of cutting wood. We have two 3520's at the club so we borrow the headstock and banjo from one lathe and mounted it on the other lathe side by side. It allowed us to compare cutting differentence and similarities of two philosophies side by side. The guy on the viewer's right used a 40/40 ground bowl gouge while the one on the left was using 5/8" Thompson spindle gouge. The idea was to encourage turners to develope a way to turn that works for them and refine those skills.

Reed Gray
01-10-2017, 12:43 PM
Hmm..... Curious about the different grinds, and would love to see what the 'Thompson spindle gouge' looked like up close. Other than different grinds/tools, the turning styles are pretty similar, though the big guy turns a bit more like me, love the 1 handed push cut. Also, I would have reversed the second headstock so they were facing each other.

robo hippy

Bob Bergstrom
01-10-2017, 1:43 PM
Just took a pic off the video. It's a finger nail grind brought over 3/4". Didn't have time to grind the relieve the heal on the bevel. We were playing to the crowd. We have the of doubling up a couple Jet 16" x 42, face the at each other and shoot shavings off 4 headstocks at eachother?


David Delo
01-10-2017, 3:27 PM
Pretty cool set-up you don't see everyday. I've toyed with the idea of sticking another extension on the headstock side of my "B" but something always seems to come up that $400 would be put to better use.

Jon McElwain
01-10-2017, 5:58 PM
Yeah, just what I need. Some schmuck blowing curlies in my face while I turn! :eek:

Bob Bergstrom
01-10-2017, 9:18 PM
Just posted the demo on YouTube. Find it here.


John K Jordan
01-10-2017, 10:57 PM
[video]...we borrow the headstock and banjo from one lathe and mounted it on the other lathe side by side.


Just curious what the advantage is of putting both headstocks on one lathe bed instead of just pushing the two lathes close together. Lack of floor space in the demo room?


Bob Bergstrom
01-11-2017, 10:10 AM

Just curious what the advantage is of putting both headstocks on one lathe bed instead of just pushing the two lathes close together. Lack of floor space in the demo room?

Yes, size of the area was one consideration. Both Powermatics have extensions making their length a problem. The audience was seated at a distance in front of the presenters. The camera could capture both presenters in the lens easily without panning back and forth. And yes, there was a WOW factor of two heads are better than one. It would make coring to roughing bowls a little quicker production. Kind of like Dale Boritz Vicmarc with ways bolted on both sides of the headstock. He cores on the inboard and hollows on the outboard.