View Full Version : SawmillCreek Upgrade

Aaron Koehl
10-11-2005, 12:15 AM
I upgraded the SawmillCreek forum software this evening. You will find a number of feature enhancements, notably the ability to add images INLINE, as well as AJAX support in a number of areas. (For the non-technical: AJAX makes things a bit faster by preventing the entire page from being reloaded).

Additionally, moderators will notice quite a bit more flexibility..

I'll post more tomorrow!! :D

Jeff Sudmeier
10-11-2005, 6:15 AM
Aaron, great job on the quick turnaround on this!

I know I have stored my images at another location, to be able to post them inline. Now I will try and get into the habbit of uploading them! This is a great added feature!

Keith Outten
10-11-2005, 6:59 AM

Possibly there is a problem with Firefox and the upgrade. When I click on any of the icons nothing happens.

Frank Pellow
10-11-2005, 7:15 AM
Aaron, with the upgrade, I see what I will call a "roadmap" to a thread at the top of the thread before I log in. What one sees woth this feature is a single post with the rest appearing in a indented list of names and starting text.

But then, once I log in, the roadmap goes away and I see what I used to see before the upgrade. Is there a way that someone can opt for the "roadmap" once they are logged in?

Matt Meiser
10-11-2005, 7:36 AM
I'm getting a javascript error on the search page. Other than that, seems to be faster. I can't wait to try out the image features. I'll have to get going on my next project I guess!

John Hart
10-11-2005, 7:39 AM
Aaron, with the upgrade, I see what I will call a "roadmap" to a thread at the top of the thread before I log in. What one sees woth this feature is a single post with the rest appearing in a indented list of names and starting text.

But then, once I log in, the roadmap goes away and I see what I used to see before the upgrade. Is there a way that someone can opt for the "roadmap" once they are logged in?

I noticed that the other day too Frank. You can switch between the different modes through the Display Mode drop-down at the top right of the page.

Frank Pellow
10-11-2005, 7:47 AM
I noticed that the other day too Frank. You can switch between the different modes through the Display Mode drop-down at the top right of the page.
John, thanks, I did not notice that button. :) I really like this feature. :)

Aaron Koehl
10-11-2005, 8:12 AM

Possibly there is a problem with Firefox and the upgrade. When I click on any of the icons nothing happens.

I tested with Firefox running (rv:1.7.10 Gecko/20050716 Firefox/1.0.6) with no problems. Which icons are you referring to? Is your Firefox up to date?

I'm getting a javascript error on the search page. Other than that, seems to be faster.

Which area of the search are you referring to (e.g. The search drop-down, the Advanced Search, etc)? Also, what browser and version are you using?

I really like this feature.

Ah welcome to Hybrid mode! It was my favorite feature when we went to version 3 last year. The enhancement to it in this upgrade is, with the addition of AJAX, clicking on the individual message titles (in the thread window) causes the messages to appear blazingly fast in comparison (also due to the new caching scheme). Very nice.

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 8:28 AM
Awesome, Aaron! You've made the upgrade totally seamless at this end. Absolutely no issues as of yet. Many thanks for another smooth transition! :) (We don't "pay" you enough! I vote you get, at least, a 10% increase over your current wage!:D):) :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
10-11-2005, 8:30 AM
Aaron, since you installed the upgrade when I go to a thread say following a New Posts search, I get three windows open up with a runtime error...the first will say "Vb phrase undefined"...the next runtime error will say "AJAX compatible underfined" and the 3rd runtime erro will say "Vb editor is underfined"......any suggestions? I've tried cleaning up all of my temp files, cookies, and history just incase anything there was causing the problem. I'm using IE...........

Mark Singer
10-11-2005, 8:37 AM
Thats great! I am low tech.....but I will try to enjoy the improvements. Thanks!

Frank Pellow
10-11-2005, 9:23 AM

Ah welcome to Hybrid mode! It was my favorite feature when we went to version 3 last year. The enhancement to it in this upgrade is, with the addition of AJAX, clicking on the individual message titles (in the thread window) causes the messages to appear blazingly fast in comparison (also due to the new caching scheme). Very nice.

So we have had hybrid mode for a while, I never noticed :o. I guess that I should pay more attention to the various buttons and try everything out.

Bob Weisner
10-11-2005, 9:39 AM
I was reading in a previous post about the fate of Sawmill Creek being "uncertain". If the Sawmill Creek website may no longer exist in the near future, why do the upgrade?

Glenn Clabo
10-11-2005, 9:50 AM
I was reading in a previous post about the fate of Sawmill Creek being "uncertain". If the Sawmill Creek website may no longer exist in the near future, why do the upgrade?

The Creek keeps flowing...and getting better...

Dave Anderson NH
10-11-2005, 9:57 AM
Improvements ? Upgrades ? Geesh, I'm still trying to figure out all of the features we already have. The in-line text and pix will be really nice to have.

Thanks Aaron !!

Dave Anderson NH
as always, a day late and a brain short

Ted Shrader
10-11-2005, 10:08 AM
Aaron -

Thank you for all the work you do to keep the site running smoothly. Have no problems since the upgrade - Firefox 1.0.7, Windows 2000 5.00.2195 SP4.


Larry Browning
10-11-2005, 10:45 AM
I can't seem to get any of the message editing buttons to work. I can't change fonts, or add links, none of the buttons work.
I am using Firefox 1.0.7. The only thing I can think of is that I add the Spellbound spell checker extension yesterday. (which does work)
Any ideas?

[Edit using IE]
However when I use Internet Explorer these buttons work just fine! Well, almost, I can't seem to get the font color button to offer anything but black. Is it just me?

Alan Turner
10-11-2005, 10:51 AM
I am on Firefox 1.07, and cannot attach a file. Any ideas? Running Widows XP Pro.

Lee DeRaud
10-11-2005, 11:06 AM
I think Keith means the "smiley" icons: I can't insert them either using Ie6. The rest of the WYSIWYG stuff seems to be ok.

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 11:15 AM
I think Keith means the "smiley" icons: I can't insert them either using Ie6. The rest of the WYSIWYG stuff seems to be ok.

Lee, you can't "smile"?:) What browser are you using? Mac? WinTel?:confused: Are you sure your "smiles" are turned "on"?:) :cool:

Lee DeRaud
10-11-2005, 11:31 AM
Lee, you can't "smile"?:) What browser are you using? Mac? WinTel?:confused: Are you sure your "smiles" are turned "on"?:) :cool:XP-SP2, IE6. The "disable smileys in text" button is not checked. I've got the box-full of smiley links over to the right of the editor box, browser "sees" them (cursor changes shape), but clicking on them does nothing.

Let's try an attachment...ok, that worked. 24611
Hmm...I'm also not seeing any way to do the 'inline' attachment feature that Aaron talked about. Is there some kind of plugin required for this "AJAX" stuff?

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 12:26 PM
Well, you got me on that one, Lee. I see how the attachment thing works and, at least on my end, the smiley's work but, I don't see how one does the "inline" attachment unless you maybe prepare a seperate text file to go with each picture. I'll try the attachment to see if that much works for me.:) :cool:

Aaron Koehl
10-11-2005, 1:06 PM
I was reading in a previous post about the fate of Sawmill Creek being "uncertain". If the Sawmill Creek website may no longer exist in the near future, why do the upgrade?

Due to the outpouring of our membership, SawmillCreek's future seems certain to continue.

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 1:29 PM

Due to the outpouring of our membership, SawmillCreek's future seems certain to continue.

Stardate 2055: High powered lasers now function to perform all the cutting operations in your shop. Clamps have been replaced with vectored force fields. The System Administrator for SMC is Aaron Koehl III and Jim Becker is about to break the 100K post mark!:D All is good at SMC!:) :cool:

Lee DeRaud
10-11-2005, 1:35 PM
Clamps have been replaced with vectored force fields.That is so 21st century. People that actually know what they're doing are using the new telepathic-set adhesives that have infinite open time but set instantly when the pieces are properly aligned.

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 1:46 PM
That is so 21st century. People that actually know what they're doing are using the new telepathic-set adhesives that have infinite open time but set instantly when the pieces are properly aligned.

Ohhhh....So now you're saying I'm behind the times???? And this coming from a guy who can't even do this: :) :D :o :p :cool: (Bwaaaaaa-haaaaaa-haaaaaa-haaaaaa!)

Larry Browning
10-11-2005, 1:47 PM
Stardate 2055: High powered lasers now function to perform all the cutting operations in your shop. Clamps have been replaced with vectored force fields. The System Administrator for SMC is Aaron Koehl III and Jim Becker is about to break the 100K post mark!:D All is good at SMC!:) :cool: ...Yet 104 year old Larry "grumpy" Browning still won't put smilley faces on any of his posts. He got the name grumpy back in 2005 when he mysteriously started to never put them in any of his posts as well as never posting pictures. This all started right after the Bulletin board software was updated to allow inline picture posting. He still claims to this day that none of the buttons work, but the rumor is that it really is just an excuse to be grumpy.

Lee DeRaud
10-11-2005, 1:59 PM
Ohhhh....So now you're saying I'm behind the times???? And this coming from a guy who can't even do this: :) :D :o :p :cool: (Bwaaaaaa-haaaaaa-haaaaaa-haaaaaa!)Says you: :mad:.

(Aaron: I can insert a smiley using "Insert Image" and typing in the URL for it...problem is in the editor. And yes, I did a full "delete temp files" and restarted IE.)

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 2:05 PM
Says you: :mad:.

(Aaron: I can insert a smiley using "Insert Image" and typing in the URL for it...problem is in the editor. And yes, I did a full "delete temp files" and restarted IE.)

Well that just goofy, Lee. Are you able to modify text and stuff from the toolbar? Are you possibly using the "Yahoo" toolbar in your browser? The only reason I ask is, I've seen that cause some real "weird" issues with fullfilling requests on sites and stuff like that. (Granted, we're in a pretty "weird" environment here, too.:rolleyes: ):) :cool:

Larry Browning
10-11-2005, 2:12 PM
I can't seem to get any of the message editing buttons to work. I can't change fonts, or add links, none of the buttons work.
I am using Firefox 1.0.7. The only thing I can think of is that I add the Spellbound spell checker extension yesterday. (which does work)
Any ideas?

[Edit using IE]
However when I use Internet Explorer these buttons work just fine! Well, almost, I can't seem to get the font color button to offer anything but black. Is it just me? Aaron, After some more testing I have found that none of the buttons around the text box work for me in Firefox. I can't attach pictures, add links, no smilley faces, nothing. When I float the mouse pointer over a button I get the description of the icon/button, but the icon does not change like it does in IE. When I'm in IE however, the buttons seem to respond just fine.

Lee DeRaud
10-11-2005, 2:17 PM
Well that just goofy, Lee. Are you able to modify text and stuff from the toolbar? Are you possibly using the "Yahoo" toolbar in your browser? The only reason I ask is, I've seen that cause some real "weird" issues with fullfilling requests on sites and stuff like that. (Granted, we're in a pretty "weird" environment here, too.:rolleyes: ):) :cool:Nope, no toolbar, just plain old generic Internet Exploder.
All the underline/italic/bold/color stuff works (and, obviously, the "insert image" button), just not the buttons in the "smilies" box.

Don Baer
10-11-2005, 2:24 PM
:p ;) :confused: :D :eek: :o :mad: :( :rolleyes: :)
It all works on IE must be the operator.

Lee DeRaud
10-11-2005, 2:29 PM
It all works on IE...Or not. :mad:

Ok, just spent about 15 minutes looking at the HTML source for the advanced/WYSIWYG edit screen: the "insert smiley" dropdown list on the toolbar has code attached to it...sure enough, I can insert smileys that way :cool: . The box of smiley images to the right of the text area is just that: a table of images, with no code attached. Pre-upgrade, they activated an insert function for the attached image...now, well, they're just taking up screen space.

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 2:47 PM
Lee. Long shot, but if it don't work, no harm, no foul. Have you checked what your latest version of Java is? I'm not a coder, but I believe these are items initiated via javascript. I wonder if you wouldn't make sure your Java Runtime is up to date ( http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp ) and see what happens then. Just a shot in the dark...:) :cool:

Lee DeRaud
10-11-2005, 2:56 PM
Lee. Long shot, but if it don't work, no harm, no foul. Have you checked what your latest version of Java is? I'm not a coder, but I believe these are items initiated via javascript. I wonder if you wouldn't make sure your Java Runtime is up to date ( http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp ) and see what happens then. Just a shot in the dark...:) :cool:See my other post, John: there's no JS code attached to those buttons, just an image. Guess I'll have to get used to using the smiley drop-down from the toolbar instead.:(

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 3:11 PM
See my other post, John: there's no JS code attached to those buttons, just an image. Guess I'll have to get used to using the smiley drop-down from the toolbar instead.:(

Well then, that's a bummer! :( Just for grins and giggles, I just fired up my Firefox and doing the reply here. Again, all seems to be OK. (I think.) I'm not a big FF user, but it all looks "normal".:rolleyes::):cool:

Aaron Koehl
10-11-2005, 3:36 PM
Well, you got me on that one, Lee. I see how the attachment thing works and, at least on my end, the smiley's work but, I don't see how one does the "inline" attachment unless you maybe prepare a seperate text file to go with each picture. I'll try the attachment to see if that much works for me.:) :cool:
I might also point something new this afternoon--

We now have thumbnails automatically generated..

Andy Hoyt
10-11-2005, 4:13 PM
I'm running Firefox 1.0.7 on Win XP Home.

I'm gonna test a few functions here:o:cool:there should be smilies to the left

I'm gonna put a picture here

and now submit

okay - the smilies worked but the pjoto turnerd itself into a thumbnail.

Well - the thumbnail idea is okay.

But what REALLY stinks is that it opens in a new browser window.

Aaron - can that be changed somehow?

Brad Hammond
10-11-2005, 5:34 PM
so lemme get this straight....... ya gotta prepare a txt file for the "inline pic" thingy?

great job aaron!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm into it! i know we're probably like a bunch of kids trying to each get what we want, but thank you so much for you patience! and great work!


John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 5:51 PM
so lemme get this straight....... ya gotta prepare a txt file for the "inline pic" thingy?

great job aaron!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm into it! i know we're probably like a bunch of kids trying to each get what we want, but thank you so much for you patience! and great work!


Brad, I'm not positive about that and I haven't had the time to mess with it further, but that's what it appears like. The attachment list includes ".txt" and ".doc" file extensions, so that's my assumption only, as I don't see another option for inserting text. The "preview" after you put in a picture doesn't come up with the picture in the original message window, so I don't know how else one would do it, short of writing HTML for it. Maybe when Aaron gets some time, he can explain the process better to us. :) (He's been a busy boy as of late!:D ):) :cool:

Keith Outten
10-11-2005, 6:01 PM

I just upgraded Firefox to versio 1.0.7 and it seems to be working fine.

Larry Browning
10-11-2005, 8:02 PM
Aaron, After some more testing I have found that none of the buttons around the text box work for me in Firefox. I can't attach pictures, add links, no smilley faces, nothing. When I float the mouse pointer over a button I get the description of the icon/button, but the icon does not change like it does in IE. When I'm in IE however, the buttons seem to respond just fine.
Well, now that I am at home, and also using Firefox, all the buttons work fine, so I guess the problem is with my computer at work.


Greg Heppeard
10-11-2005, 8:03 PM
What happened to my mark all forms read button?

John Miliunas
10-11-2005, 8:07 PM
What happened to my mark all forms read button?

Greg, though I don't use it, I found it under "Quick Links".:) :cool:

Aaron Koehl
10-11-2005, 10:57 PM

I just upgraded Firefox to versio 1.0.7 and it seems to be working fine.
Should be scripts I modified today, but it's good to have upgraded anyway ;)

Aaron Koehl
10-11-2005, 11:13 PM
Well - the thumbnail idea is okay.

But what REALLY stinks is that it opens in a new browser window.

Aaron - can that be changed somehow?

Certainly, it's done. For those that still want the images to open up in a new window, simply SHIFT+CLICK the image.

Andy Hoyt
10-11-2005, 11:18 PM
You sir, are one good dude.

My programable mouse with special back button (and me) are forever indebted.

Jim Becker
10-11-2005, 11:26 PM
Aaron, In case it hasn't been mentioned, the Quick Reply now allows a "double post"...happened to me in the Combo Machine thread in the GW forum. I left the duplicate there in case you want to look at things.
Oh, and I'm one of the folks that prefers the pics to open in a separate window...can that be configurable in one's profile? (It keeps me from accidentally completely closing the SMC session when I forget to use the back-page function of the browser...)

Loy Hawes
10-12-2005, 1:35 AM
Jim,if your mouse has a middle button,try middle clicking the thumbnail. It should open in a new tab.

Dan Forman
10-12-2005, 6:34 AM
The smilies don't work for me either, Macintosh and latest Safari browser.

I don't see any directions for using any of the new features such as posting pics inline with text.

I belong to another vBullitin site (WetCanvas) which has a feature called "image uploader" accessed through "Quick Links" which is what we use to upload images which are placed where we want them in the text. There, thumbs are uploaded the way we used to do them here ("manage attachments"). Now I don't even see that! I'm assuming it has been replaced by the paperclip icon, which doesn't do anything when I click on it.
If my smilies worked, you would be seeing a frown here.

I'm not a techy, so a lot of what has been said as far as workarounds goes right over my head. Hopefully better heads than mine will figure out this new business


George Matthews
10-12-2005, 9:02 AM
:cool: I'm using


on OS X, 10.4.2

I could not use 24678 until I upgraded to 24676

Smilies also work as they used to.

Calling this WYSIWYG editor is a bit of a stretch.

PS Why is the following attachment showing on the post?

Aaron Koehl
10-12-2005, 9:27 AM
We simply don't have any control over what browser our users are using.. the only thing I can recommend (and that your vendors recommend) is that you continue to upgrade to the latest versions of their software.

Note: There isn't any Java on this site, so if your browser doesn't have the Java plug-in installed, everything should still work fine. Safari had some bug fixes that came along with that upgrade.

Also, George, I'm not sure I understand your question in your PostScript..

Larry Browning
10-12-2005, 11:54 AM
Aaron, After some more testing I have found that none of the buttons around the text box work for me in Firefox. I can't attach pictures, add links, no smilley faces, nothing. When I float the mouse pointer over a button I get the description of the icon/button, but the icon does not change like it does in IE. When I'm in IE however, the buttons seem to respond just fine. I think I have finally discovered my problem. Every time I open the text edit box javascript errors are generated. Such as this one: Error: vB_Editor is not defined Source File: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/clientscript/vbulletin_textedit.js Line: 2893 I tried reinstalling Firefox, but it didn't help. It works fine at home, just not here at work. Any ideas as to what to do? One other thing I have noticed. The editor seems to ignore newlines so everything just runs together. Larry

Aaron Koehl
10-12-2005, 12:38 PM
Sounds like you have a cached copy of the old .js file.. can you empty your cache?

Roy Wall
10-12-2005, 12:43 PM

I wish the thumbnail opened to a larger photo...........???? Any possibilities.......???

Larry Browning
10-12-2005, 1:11 PM
Sounds like you have a cached copy of the old .js file.. can you empty your cache?
How would I empty my cache?

Aaron Koehl
10-12-2005, 1:17 PM

I wish the thumbnail opened to a larger photo...........???? Any possibilities.......???

They do.. Unless the picture that was uploaded is already under 200 pixels...

Larry Browning
10-12-2005, 2:21 PM
How would I empty my cache?
Hey! I figured it out! Aaron, you were right about clearing the cache:D
Everything works now!!!!
Thanks for your help.
For those of you that may also be having this problem.
In Firefox Menu bar:
Then select Privacy
Press the Clear button next to Cache

It works great!!!!!

John Miliunas
10-12-2005, 2:30 PM
Hey! I figured it out! Aaron, you were right about clearing the cache:D
Everything works now!!!!
Thanks for your help.
For those of you that may also be having this problem.
In Firefox Menu bar:
Then select Privacy
Press the Clear button next to Cache

It works great!!!!!

OK Larry, the next question SCREAMS to be asked: What "BIG DAY"????:confused: :) :cool:

Larry Browning
10-12-2005, 3:12 PM
OK Larry, the next question SCREAMS to be asked: What "BIG DAY"????:confused: :) :cool: That picture was taken a few years ago when I was working on a big project in Munich Germany. We had just loaded over 3 million rows of data into our then new Engineering database. All of the programs had worked well and the data was all there and RIGHT to boot!. We were proud of ourselves:D

And I was proud of myself for getting the text edit icons working in Firefox, so I thought the picture was appropriate.

John Miliunas
10-12-2005, 3:18 PM
That picture was taken a few years ago when I was working on a big project in Munich Germany. We had just loaded over 3 million rows of data into our then new Engineering database. All of the programs had worked well and the data was all there and RIGHT to boot!. We were proud of ourselves:D

And I was proud of myself for getting the text edit icons working in Firefox, so I thought the picture was appropriate.

Whew! I guess that would count as a "Big Day"!:) Geeee, the text edit icons seem quite trivial, compared to that! Glad you got everything working!:) :cool:

Vaughn McMillan
10-12-2005, 4:16 PM
OK, here's my test using Firefox 1.0.7, after clearing my browser cache. (Like others have mentioned, I've been unable to get most of the buttons to work since the upgrade.)

:) :cool: :p ;) :D :eek: :o :rolleyes:

And the obligatory picture:

(Well, it's not showing up inline, but it's showing up.)

That's a pass!

Thanks for the tips, folks.

- Vaughn

John Miliunas
10-12-2005, 4:59 PM
OK, here's my test using Firefox 1.0.7, after clearing my browser cache. (Like others have mentioned, I've been unable to get most of the buttons to work since the upgrade.)

And the obligatory picture:

(Well, it's not showing up inline, but it's showing up.)

That's a pass!

Thanks for the tips, folks.

- Vaughn

WOW!!!:eek: If that ad isn't a blast from the past!!! :D Just think if gas prices went the same route; We'd be filling up on jet fuel for about 27 cents a gallon!:D :cool:

Roy Wall
10-12-2005, 5:47 PM
They do.. Unless the picture that was uploaded is already under 200 pixels...

It seems like they are not "as full size" as they once were.........

Me check it out :)

Jim Becker
10-12-2005, 6:54 PM
Jim,if your mouse has a middle button,try middle clicking the thumbnail. It should open in a new tab.

No middle button and I have tabs turned off. I prefer separate windows.

Jim Becker
10-12-2005, 6:57 PM
WOW!!! If that ad isn't a blast from the past!!!

I used to sell those...I worked for Tandy for 7 years and ran a Plus Computer Center store before becoming general manager of the combined operations in that mall store.

Aaron Koehl
10-13-2005, 12:30 PM
My third computer was a Tandy 2000. I know I am young, but ahead of the time nonetheless ;).

Before the Tandy 2000 was the Tomy Tutor (Radio Shack). My first program was written on a TRS-80 when I was 6. My brother tought me how to write a FOR..NEXT loop and display numbers from 1 to 10000. Wow how times have changed :D

OK, here's my test using Firefox 1.0.7, after clearing my browser cache. (Like others have mentioned, I've been unable to get most of the buttons to work since the upgrade.)

:) :cool: :p ;) :D :eek: :o :rolleyes:

And the obligatory picture:

(Well, it's not showing up inline, but it's showing up.)

That's a pass!

Thanks for the tips, folks.

- Vaughn

John Miliunas
10-13-2005, 12:39 PM
My brother tought me how to write a FOR..NEXT loop and display numbers from 1 to 10000. Wow how times have changed :D

LOL! That's so funny. I used to walk into stores and jump into Integer Basic on the machines and do the same thing, except let it run to infinity!:D It was fun to watch how long it would be before a clerk would come by and ax the command. :) :cool:

John Hart
10-13-2005, 12:58 PM
I just printed out a copy of that ad and handed to my lead tech and told him to fill out a requisition. I told him, "I think I'm ready for a more powerful system...order this please."

....He hung it up in his office. Thanks Vaughn!!!

Vaughn McMillan
10-13-2005, 5:22 PM
My third computer was a Tandy 2000. I know I am young, but ahead of the time nonetheless ;).

Before the Tandy 2000 was the Tomy Tutor (Radio Shack). My first program was written on a TRS-80 when I was 6. My brother tought me how to write a FOR..NEXT loop and display numbers from 1 to 10000. Wow how times have changed :D
My first computer was a hand-me-down TRS-80. (My FIL at the time got an IBM so he gave me his old box.) I could never get the cassette tape storage to work (or the optional external floppy drive), so any program I wrote was lost if I powered down the computer. This, of course, ticked me off, so I wrote an endless FOR..NEXT loop that displayed a count from 1 to a million, then back to 1. I looked at it as torture for the dumb computer. Like it really cared. ;)

- Vaughn

Lee DeRaud
10-13-2005, 5:25 PM
My first computer was a hand-me-down TRS-80. (My FIL at the time got an IBM so he gave me his old box.) I could never get the cassette tape storage to work (or the optional external floppy drive), so any program I wrote was lost if I powered down the computer. This, of course, ticked me off, so I wrote an endless FOR..NEXT loop that displayed a count from 1 to a million, then back to 1. I looked at it as torture for the dumb computer. Like it really cared. ;)Well, it wasn't nicknamed the "Trash-80" for nothing.:p

Doug Shepard
10-13-2005, 5:33 PM
Didn't see this mentioned in the earlier posts and don't know if it has anything to do with the SMC upgrade or not - but all of a sudden my SMC shortcut has it's own personalized icon in the Explorer Favorites pane that none of my other bookmarks have. I could swear it wasn't there yesterday - just the normal 'e' on a dog-eared page icon.

Andy Hoyt
10-13-2005, 5:35 PM
Didn't see this mentioned in the earlier posts and don't know if it has anything to do with the SMC upgrade or not - but all of a sudden my SMC shortcut has it's own personalized icon in the Explorer Favorites pane that none of my other bookmarks have. I could swear it wasn't there yesterday - just the normal 'e' on a dog-eared page icon.

That's called a favicon. My guess is that Aaron has been noodling around.

John Hart
10-13-2005, 5:46 PM
That's called a favicon. My guess is that Aaron has been noodling around.

I didn't get one in my Favorites List!!! Where's MY Favicon??!!! I want my Favicon!!!!:D

Jim Becker
10-13-2005, 6:28 PM
Well, it wasn't nicknamed the "Trash-80" for nothing.:p

Yes, the nickname stuck, but you know...a lot of people learned how to use computers from those things. And I sold them by the "many dozens" to the local school districts, too...and I have the plaques and trophies to prove it!

The first "personal computer" I worked on was the Commodore PET...the original one with the "chicklett" keyboard and integral screen and cassette deck for storage. They didn't even have CRTs for student use at Penn State when I took my manditory programming course...it was PL/1 on punch cards! With half-hour waits to find out how bad you screwed up... ;)

Lee DeRaud
10-13-2005, 6:58 PM
They didn't even have CRTs for student use at Penn State when I took my manditory programming course...it was PL/1 on punch cards! With half-hour waits to find out how bad you screwed up... ;)Same here, more or less: Algol-60 on Burroughs mainframes. My first actual computer programming was in high school, assembly language on an IBM 1401.:eek:

Didn't see a CRT until I started working...DEC VT52 or some such.

Don Baer
10-13-2005, 7:08 PM
In a past life before Billey G made it big I tried my life as a programmer consultant. I got a contract from a company called "Data 20". The made an add on card for the "Commador Vic 20". it would up the 16 RAM to to a wopping 80 k and provided a full 80 char. 24 line display on a standard TV. I wrote them a word processor in 6800 assembler that emulated "Word Star".
Later on I wrote several program in a CPM enviroment in 8080 assembler and Z-80 assembler. Then came windows and I decided it was time to quite learning operating systems and new languages and got out og programing while I has some sembelance of sanity left.

Would you believe I still have a Comodor Vic 20 and it still works..

Tony Falotico
10-13-2005, 9:21 PM
Hey! I figured it out! Aaron, you were right about clearing the cache:D
Everything works now!!!!
Thanks for your help.
For those of you that may also be having this problem.
In Firefox Menu bar:
Then select Privacy
Press the Clear button next to Cache

It works great!!!!!

Thanks Larry .. Worked for me too !!! :) :cool: :D

Steve Clardy
10-17-2005, 9:23 PM
Lets add a staircase forum for Richard Wolf and I.:eek:
We don't have a place to camp out.:o :eek: :rolleyes:

There are no staircase web forums that I have found.:confused: :confused:

Just thinking out loud. Never mind guys.:eek: :eek: :rolleyes:


Rob Russell
10-18-2005, 8:52 AM
There appears to be a bug in the "Insert Link" function. When clicking on the Insert Link button, a prompt used to come up asking for the text you wanted associated with the link. That prompt doesn't come up now.

Inserting the attached link ... http://www.sawmillcreek.org ... I (and many other folks) know where to change the HTML to make the link display as "Sawmill Creek" or whatever we want. There are folks who don't know what to change and having the prompt come up made it nice for those of us who are just plain lazy.


Larry Browning
10-18-2005, 9:12 AM
There appears to be a bug in the "Insert Link" function. When clicking on the Insert Link button, a prompt used to come up asking for the text you wanted associated with the link. That prompt doesn't come up now.

Inserting the attached link ... http://www.sawmillcreek.org ... I (and many other folks) know where to change the HTML to make the link display as "Sawmill Creek" or whatever we want. There are folks who don't know what to change and having the prompt come up made it nice for those of us who are just plain lazy.

I have found that if you 1st highlight the text you want to display sawmill creek (http://www.sawmillcreek.org) BEFORE you cllick the link button you can accomplish the desired effect.

Rob Russell
10-18-2005, 12:05 PM
I have found that if you 1st highlight the text you want to display sawmill creek (http://www.sawmillcreek.org) BEFORE you cllick the link button you can accomplish the desired effect.

Larry - that does work. It's nothing I would have thought of trying. Still think the popup was nice.


Larry Browning
10-18-2005, 1:41 PM
Larry - that does work. It's nothing I would have thought of trying. Still think the popup was nice.

Rob Rob,
I guess I have a different way of doing things. I kinda like to type out my entire message then go back an review what I have typed adding the links at that point. That way my train of thought is not interupted by adding a link here and there as I type. Kind of a 2 step process.
The highlighting before clicking the link icon seemed very intuitive to me, because it fits right into the way I compose a post. I actually didn't know there was another to add links.

By the way, when I add a link to another SMC thread I usually go to the thread and copy the link prior to starting my post. Then when I am ready to create the link I just paste in the URL from the clipboard. However if I want to make links to multiple threads, I submit the post with the 1st link, go copy the next thread link, edit my post then paste in the next URL etc... Is there a better way?

Marc Langille
10-26-2005, 7:35 AM
You can try using the NSLOOKUP function - it's a command in TCP/IP that allows you to determine the IP address of a site. I am querying the ISP's name server to resolve the website name to an IP address.

It may not work if the entry's already been changed - see below:
C:\>nslookup www.sawmillcreek.org (http://www.sawmillcreek.org)
Server: ns1.dl.cox.net

*** ns1.dl.cox.net can't find www.sawmillcreek.org: (http://www.sawmillcreek.org:) Non-existent domain*** :(

You must do this from a command prompt/console window for it to work. Of course, if the site is down, it doesn't matter if you have the IP address...:eek:


Lee DeRaud
10-26-2005, 10:56 AM
You can try using the NSLOOKUP function - it's a command in TCP/IP that allows you to determine the IP address of a site. I am querying the ISP's name server to resolve the website name to an IP address.

It may not work if the entry's already been changed - see below:
C:\>nslookup www.sawmillcreek.org (http://www.sawmillcreek.org)
Server: ns1.dl.cox.net
Address: post is titled "How to get to a website when DNS is not working"...you do realize that 'nslookup' uses DNS, right?
(Hint: 'ns1.dl.cox.net' is your ISP's primary DNS server.)

Marc Langille
10-26-2005, 1:02 PM
Yes, and sorry for any confusion...

I am referring to obtaining the cached DNS entry on the local name server, which is useful if a name server further along the route is not resolving correctly, you get time outs, etc... I did say "you can try... " - obviously it doesn't work if your local name server is down.

It's just a general statement, with sawmillcreek as the example.
(I see now that I didn't explain that part very well - oops.)

Jim Becker
10-27-2005, 8:35 AM
NSLOOKUP wouldn't work in this case with a local cache as the address changed with the move. The delay in access was largely waiting for the new information to proliferate across the DNS world. Some folks are still having issues "down stream" based on email and IM I'm receiving. I use top-level DNS servers in my configurations ( and and access is obviously working...

Mike Ramsey
10-27-2005, 9:09 AM
"Delete thread" option is missing from edit..

Lee DeRaud
10-27-2005, 10:15 AM
Yes, and sorry for any confusion...

I am referring to obtaining the cached DNS entry on the local name server, which is useful if a name server further along the route is not resolving correctly, you get time outs, etc... I did say "you can try... " - obviously it doesn't work if your local name server is down.

It's just a general statement, with sawmillcreek as the example.
(I see now that I didn't explain that part very well - oops.)Note that you can provide nslookup with a second parameter, e.g:

nslookup sawmillcreek.org ns1.granitecanyon.com

It will use the second name as the nameserver to query...sometimes gives better results than the local one at your ISP. There are a bunch of other options: enter 'nslookup' without any parameters and then type '?' or 'help' at the '>' prompt.

Lee DeRaud
10-27-2005, 10:19 AM
The delay in access was largely waiting for the new information to proliferate across the DNS world. Some folks are still having issues "down stream" based on email and IM I'm receiving. I use top-level DNS servers in my configurations ( and and access is obviously working...The new DNS entry had propagated through to me by about 9AM PDT yesterday, but the site was still down when I went to bed last night, so it wasn't all DNS issues.

Aaron Koehl
10-27-2005, 11:25 AM
I use dig...