View Full Version : oneway 2036

John Embrey
01-08-2017, 4:28 PM
What is a oneway model 2036 made in 1997 worth ?

Jon McElwain
01-09-2017, 7:27 PM
Tough to price a 20 year old Oneway. New full sized Oneway's go for almost $6,000 - it seems like I got my 2436 for a little over $5,000 but that was 5 years ago. I have seen only a few Oneway lathes for sale over the years. The cheapest one I ever saw had sat outside and the spindle and ways were rusted. It still sold for a grand if I recall correctly. The best deals have been Oneway's with lots of accessories and someone is selling it as a package. I have seen them sold with outboard attachments, extra rests, wheel set, extensions, light kit, etc. etc., for just a little over the base price. That is probably 40%-50% off retail?? I assume they get what they are asking (or close to it) since they are a really high end lathe and it's rare to see them for sale and I have never seen them re-listed.

All that said, my guess is that if you are listing a 1997 2036 base model, I would go with between 60% and 75% of today's list price ($5,893 on their website right now). Add 60% for the cost of any added built in features (RFI Filter, Motor (1.5, 2, or 3 hp), Braking resister, remote start/stop switch, outboard morse taper, 96 position index, stainless bedways), and same for accessories that come with it.

I would be hard pressed to pay much over 60% of today's list price for the base - say around $3500, but I sure wouldn't be shy about asking more if I was selling mine.

I would go on the oneway.ca website and look around. They have an order form under the Ordering link that might be helpful in determining what accessories and options are available. It will give you an idea of new prices as well. Search the turner forum for "Oneway "as well - lots of posts over the years and a few posts have discussed cost of a used machine.

It's just one guy's opinion, but I hope it helps.

Welcome to the forum!

Tom Albrecht
01-10-2017, 8:17 AM
I think Jon is right. Especially if you are not in a hurry. I sold my original 24/36 for close to what I paid for it 20 years before, but it was in fine condition as in no rust and no finishing stains on the bed or the paint. You will always get guys that want to come in and lowball you, just wait it out. The guy who bought mine drove up to Chicago from Kentucky.