View Full Version : Re-Introduction

John Buzzurro
01-06-2017, 7:39 AM
I thought I'd re-introduce myself to the forum, as it's been ages since last visiting here. I always found Sawmill Creek to be a great source of information with friendly folks. I was away from woodworking for a little bit, but trying to get back into it. I don't think I have the WW talent or knowledge of most of the folks here, but I try to help out when I can. I hope to pick up the hobby again and improve further on my skills.

Hello to everyone, and thanks to all who have helped me in the past.


Mike Ontko
01-06-2017, 10:38 AM
Hi John, and welcome back! Developing abilities in any activity is like that metaphor of eating an elephant--you just take it one bite at a time and keep with it :) There's a funny story about the famous cellist (considered to be one of the best ever), Pablo Casals, who continued to practice his craft well into his 80's and 90's. When he was asked why it was that he continued to practice so intensely he replied with something to the effect of, "because I think I'm finally starting to get it right."

Ben Rivel
01-06-2017, 10:58 AM
Well welcome back Sir!

Rich Riddle
01-06-2017, 2:00 PM

You'll find some of the same faces running around here, some just with a bit more gray/white or less hair. Welcome back.

Mike Henderson
01-06-2017, 2:09 PM
Welcome back. Everyone has something to contribute and something to learn.


Frederick Skelly
01-06-2017, 8:31 PM
Welcome back John!

Van Huskey
01-07-2017, 1:15 AM
Welcome back!

Now I can't get the Welcome Back Kotter theme song out of my head... :mad: