View Full Version : Is Omnijig needed if I have Leigh?

Sal Kurban
01-05-2017, 6:29 PM
I recently acquired an old D4-24 Leigh jig which is in a very good shape. I have had the old version of the Porter Cable Omnijig-24 with fixed half blind and variable spaced through templates for some time. I also have the 12" version of the Poter Cable with fixed and through templates for small & generic drawers. Would I ever need the heavy duty Omnijig-24 after the Leigh?

Dave Cav
01-05-2017, 10:05 PM
I have a Leigh and a Keller. I tend to use the Keller a lot more.

I know, that's not what you asked....

Chris Hachet
01-05-2017, 10:17 PM
From what I can tell the Leigh is much more capable. I tend to keep tools unless I ahve a compelling reason to sell them or need the space...

Having two jigs would mean you could set up and run multiple projects at once...

Just my two cents...

Eric Commarato
01-06-2017, 12:43 PM
I have both. I like the OMNI-Jig's heftiness, I have the 24" model with the fixed finger template. Porter Cable used to make an adjustable finger template, and a template for cutting a sliding dovetail, but since this unit has become discontinued, these templates are getting hard to find. I like the Leigh because of it s versatility, but it seems very difficult to setup. So both basically collect dust in my shop. I purchased a Incra Box Jig to do box joints. It works wonderfully and is easy to set up. Last year I built a Moxon vise and if I want to dovetail a drawer, it is easier for me to do it with hand tools.