View Full Version : Celtic Vase - A wave to Dixie

Thom Sturgill
12-31-2016, 9:41 PM
I have been absent for a while, my heart meds were causing some problems. This piece was inspired by some of the work of Dixie Biggs. I had a day i her shop a couple of years ago and my club had her in for a demo and two days hand-on. She carves with power tools, and I had planned this to be power carved but ended up carving it with a #1 x-acto handle with the #101 blade. Went through several packages...

Mahogany 3 1/2" diameter, 7 3/4" tall, lacquer finish with wood-burned texturing on the band.
Enjoy, C&C welcome.

Steve Schlumpf
12-31-2016, 9:48 PM
Very impressive work Thom! I can not imagine the effort carving that by hand had to have been but the finished product sure was worth it!

Hope you are feeling better!

Thom Sturgill
12-31-2016, 9:55 PM
Steve, the reason for hand carving was that I could sit at my desk in the house in short bursts and not have to stand or walk back and forth to the shop. The wife was so glad to see me working that nothing was ever said about the shavings, but i do not think the micro carver would have been welcome...

Bruce Page
12-31-2016, 10:10 PM
Thom, beautiful piece. Good to see you back again.

daryl moses
12-31-2016, 10:11 PM
Very nice Thom. Good to see you back!!!

John Keeton
12-31-2016, 10:19 PM
Excellent work! So glad you are doing better and back at it. Those meds can be miraculous, but the side effects can be devastating at times.

Sid Matheny
01-01-2017, 8:51 AM
That's a great piece Thom and it is great to see you posting again.

Roger Chandler
01-01-2017, 8:57 AM
Very glad to see you post again, Thom! I have been concerned about you. Great work, especially under your circumstances.......it is easy to see you still have the fire & passion for fine work! Great piece!

John K Jordan
01-01-2017, 9:41 AM
With an x-acto knife, yikes! I'm impressed. I've done a fair bit of carving and I just can't imagine. Beautiful design and execution! The long sweeping curves draw the eye to the perfect rise in the carved band.

Someone asked about you recently, if anyone knew if you were ok. I too am glad to see your "face" and posts!

Thom Sturgill
01-01-2017, 10:50 AM
With an x-acto knife, yikes! I'm impressed. I've done a fair bit of carving and I just can't imagine. Beautiful design and execution! The long sweeping curves draw the eye to the perfect rise in the carved band.

Someone asked about you recently, if anyone knew if you were ok. I too am glad to see your "face" and posts!

I know. John Keeten emailed me. I had been planning on posting this earlier, but my camera had dead batteries and I could not remember where the charger was, so I used my phone. Thanks for the comments.

Doug Herzberg
01-01-2017, 10:56 AM
Nice to see you back, Thom. A very impressive piece.

Robert Willing
01-01-2017, 11:40 AM
Really great vases Thom, I feel your pain about getting use to meds. I had foot surgery in mid July and it is all I can do to complete shop project now. I was in 6 different casts until the end of October. Also love the carving and burning.

Mel Fulks
01-01-2017, 12:36 PM
Thom,good to see you back, that is an exceptionally graceful piece .

Steve Mawson
01-02-2017, 11:13 PM
Glad you have got back to a project. Keep up the good work, especially admire all the hand work. Stay healthy.