View Full Version : "Congreve Cube" Bowls

George Guadiane
12-26-2016, 2:26 PM
The bowls are 6 /14 inches square. Both were turned from a single cube of tulip poplar.
I got the idea for these from a video I saw through FaceBook:
The video is well worth the watch. I've seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5w621ZZOITs
Jerry McMaster did a demo that was recorded. I found it interesting, but what with my motto, I changed one thing. I did it with a single piece of wood and all on the lathe.
I'm going to do my version for a demo at the Brevard Woodturners Meeting sometime next year.
As you can see, I'm still messing with the design.

Brian Kent
12-26-2016, 3:39 PM
I think that would reasonably receive an A+, with extra credit for the WHAT???? factor.

daryl moses
12-26-2016, 8:16 PM
Very interesting! I like them a lot!!

robert baccus
12-26-2016, 9:14 PM
Very nice and unique bowls.

Don Orr
01-05-2017, 12:31 PM
Very nice work George, as always! Thanks for the video link.