View Full Version : Wood Gloat!

Kevin Post
10-08-2005, 7:27 PM
I just picked up this assortment if wood this morning. It is a mix of mostly hard maple and cherry with a bit of walnut mixed in from a local hardwood supplier. Just buying the stuff qualifies as a gloat, doesn't it?

Here's the kicker... The whole load cost $25.00. Yes, the decimal point is in the correct spot.http://home.centurytel.net/rockyroad/images/Tomato.gif

After I undloaded this lot, I went back and got 50 bd ft of beautiful, quarter-sawn white oak for $2.30/bd. ft. I don't have room for this stuff but I couldn't pass it up. I guess I won't be ripping up any pallets to make furniture for a while. :D

Corvin Alstot
10-08-2005, 7:36 PM
Great haul.
Once you get started using that wood, you will never go back. What is the typical length (over 4 ft)?

Jim Becker
10-08-2005, 8:08 PM
Now, that's a nice haul, Kevin! 'No doubt you'll put it to good use, too!! Wood is a good investment, especially when you can get it when the "price is right". If for some aweful reason you need the money, you can likely sell it for more than you paid, too.

Richard Wolf
10-08-2005, 8:28 PM
$25.00, wow. I can carry $25.00 worth out of my hardwood suppler under one arm.


Corey Hallagan
10-08-2005, 8:36 PM
Nice haul indeed! Excellent!


Steve Ash
10-08-2005, 8:40 PM
That's not a purchase....that's theft:eek: . Great deal for you, Congrats!

Bob Noles
10-08-2005, 8:57 PM

That's the only word that comes to mind :eek:

What a haul....

Russ Massery
10-08-2005, 9:10 PM
At that price it's Very gloat worthy.

Dan Forman
10-08-2005, 9:16 PM
What a great score! That ought to keep you out of trouble for a while I reckon.


Mark Singer
10-08-2005, 9:18 PM
We never have wood gloats in So. Cal like this:mad:

Bernie Weishapl
10-08-2005, 9:22 PM
I agree with Mark. How come I never come across steals like that?:mad: Nice haul Kevin.

Gary Lange
10-08-2005, 10:53 PM
I say that is the reason we drive Pickup Trucks my friends. You get the deal and you run with it before they have a chance to come to there senses. Great deal.

Andrew Ault
10-08-2005, 11:02 PM
I can carry $25.00 worth out of my hardwood suppler under one arm.

...Or one hand. They might need to shorten the board first, though!

Nice haul!

You must be living right, sir.

- Andy

Andy London
10-09-2005, 4:49 AM
And to think I pay that for one good Cherry board :( That is a great haul, what amazes me is you were able to get that all in one load, looks be be around 400 board feet there..?? I am lucky to haul three hundred with my Ranger :D

Lance Stinson
10-09-2005, 6:16 AM
I lucked out just like you Kevin. A guy gave me 4 maple logs that he was going to make into firewood. Had them sawn into 5/4 and 6/4 about 400bd ft. The best part is that is was birdeye!

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Karl Laustrup
10-09-2005, 6:34 AM
Great score Kevin. :D I'm not that far away if you feel the need to get rid of some of that. ;) :D


Kevin Post
10-09-2005, 8:35 PM
I say that is the reason we drive Pickup Trucks my friends. You get the deal and you run with it before they have a chance to come to there senses.

That is SO true, Gary.

Even though fuel costs are high, I still love having my truck. I especially love it right after we get clobbered with a foot of snow and the roads haven't been plowed. My kid always makes it to hockey practice! :D

Rob Russell
10-10-2005, 2:28 PM
I lucked out just like you Kevin. A guy gave me 4 maple logs that he was going to make into firewood. Had them sawn into 5/4 and 6/4 about 400bd ft. The best part is that is was birdeye!

Hey "Iam" - welcome to the Creek! It's a friendly place with a lot of good folks. One of the rules, though, is that we use real first and last names. Click on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page to send an email to the administrators with your real names.

400 BF of birdseye just for the cost of sawing!?! That's a gloat on it's own!
