View Full Version : Help New Kidd on the Block

michael furman
10-08-2005, 5:01 PM
Hi folks,
I'm a flabby 57 year old who wants to take red oak logs into furniture for grand children.
Thusfar I felled a tree that has 3 sections 3.5' dia x 11 feet red oak. I figure I can make a load of furniture from this -- but I'm at home plate. Need to know how to prevent checking/warping as these puppies are not yet sawed.
I'm looking for recommendations on 1/4 sawing this wood, and procedures to keep it in dryable condition so it does not warp/check.
Any suggestions would help.
Michael Furman

lou sansone
10-08-2005, 6:27 PM
welcome to the creek

great question about the oak, but first a note about language here at the creek. This tends to be a "clean language" forum so enough said about how you have worded your question. There is the helpfull "edit" feature for adjustments.

on to your question. I would think that the most reasonable way to process your big oak log it to have a band mill come to your property. They will be able to correctly Q saw it as you have asked about. Oak tends to be one of the woods the seem to respond best to rapid kiln drying as opposed to slow air drying. The sawyer may have the name of a good kiln. You probably have over 1000 bd feet so that represents a decent job for both the sawyer and the kiln.
best wishes lou