View Full Version : Router profile options

Scott Cenicola
12-01-2016, 9:22 AM
I am looking to match up a cabinet door with a unique inner molding. I remember a while back I used to get a catalogue that had pages and pages of different profiles. I cant remember the vendor and a brief google search hasn't jogged my memory. Any suggestions, tia.

Don Orr
12-01-2016, 9:25 AM


lowell holmes
12-01-2016, 10:15 AM
Check Woodworkers Suppy. They have a good selection of router bits.


Lee Schierer
12-01-2016, 3:52 PM
try routerbitworld (http://www.routerbitworld.com/Default.asp). They carry several good brands, have good service and prices.

Michael Panis
12-01-2016, 5:00 PM
When I needed a unique molding, I ended up having a custom router bit fabricated. I believe I looked at Ridge Carbide and Nordic Saw and went with the latter, although I cannot find all my notes. I was very pleased with the results. Even if you do not get a custom bit fabricated, these outfits have huge catalogs of router bits that may match what you are looking for.