View Full Version : Tis the Season 2016

Steve Schlumpf
12-01-2016, 12:34 AM
Wow – time flies! Another year’s gone by way too fast and the Holiday Season is upon us! While we all share the love of woodturning, it goes without saying that we are a diverse group and have many different ways of celebrating at this time of year. I am extremely thankful for many things but especially for my loving family, all my friends here on the Creek and throughout the woodturning world!

So, in keeping with the spirit of this newly arrived Holiday Season ……. from my shop to yours ….. :D


Have a wonderful - and SAFE - Holiday Season!


Don Frank
12-01-2016, 8:08 AM
What could possibly be prettier than Christmas lights on a Robust!

Robert Henrickson
12-01-2016, 8:22 AM
Ah -- indeed "Tis the season" officially now -- the annual lighting of the lathe.

John Keeton
12-01-2016, 8:48 AM
Some folks think it is the Macy's parade that starts the Christmas season. How little they know!! THIS starts the season.

Josh Bowman
12-01-2016, 8:48 AM
Thanks Steve and you guys have a wonderful holiday as well.

mike ash
12-01-2016, 9:13 AM
Thanks for kicking ot off Steve!

Thanks, Mike

Aaron Craven
12-01-2016, 9:16 AM
What could possibly be prettier than Christmas lights on a Robust!

Wood shavings on a Robust, of course!

Roger Chandler
12-01-2016, 9:22 AM
We always look forward to the annual lighting of the lathe! Merry Christmas season to all the "creeker" family.

Peter Blair
12-01-2016, 9:25 AM
I guess now that it's formal, I can now put up the outside Christmas lights!!!

Bob Bergstrom
12-01-2016, 10:24 AM
Probably a little snow on the UP to go with the lights? I know the fall was rather warm

Walter Mooney
12-01-2016, 7:25 PM
Thanks for that Steve. It's always great to see the lights on the lathe. And the clean carpet on the floor beneath that lathe! I can't imagine having carpet below my lathes............

Thomas Canfield
12-01-2016, 7:53 PM
Nice lights but shop way too clean. Did it take a week to set up?

john snowdon
12-01-2016, 8:55 PM
Thanks for the help this year, Steve. My blanks dried nicely! Merry Christmas!

Dan Case LR
12-02-2016, 12:10 AM
What could possibly be prettier than Christmas lights on a Robust!

Anything on a Robust! (The lights are pretty, but the real beauty is the Robust!)


Steve Schlumpf
12-02-2016, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone! Please feel free to post a photo or 5 of your decorated lathe! Could be the start of a very unique turning tradition!! :D

Eugene Dixon
12-02-2016, 1:31 PM
Wow – time flies! Another year’s gone by way too fast and the Holiday Season is upon us! While we all share the love of woodturning, it goes without saying that we are a diverse group and have many different ways of celebrating at this time of year. I am extremely thankful for many things but especially for my loving family, all my friends here on the Creek and throughout the woodturning world!

So, in keeping with the spirit of this newly arrived Holiday Season ……. from my shop to yours ….. :D


Have a wonderful - and SAFE - Holiday Season!


Is it me, or is the image reversed, or is that the backside of the Robust AB?

Steve Schlumpf
12-02-2016, 1:36 PM
Eugene - that is the correct orientation: headstock on left, tailstock on right.

Steve Mawson
12-02-2016, 3:49 PM
Great picture, wish I could remember how many years you have been doing this? My lathe will move to it's new location as soon as I can put in some more wiring and do the drywall. Believe it is finally getting cold enough to keep working inside.

Steve Schlumpf
12-02-2016, 4:55 PM
Steve - this is the 9th year I have posted a Seasons Greetings.

Good luck on your shop! Looking forward to seeing what you create once you get the chance!!

Hayes Rutherford
12-03-2016, 9:05 PM
Was just thinking it was about the time your decorated lathe would appear. Will have had mine a year in February. Don't know if I will decorate it but might clean it up and treat it to a coat of wax. Thanks for kicking off the season and Merry Christmas.

Eugene Dixon
12-04-2016, 7:57 PM
I was looking at the tilt away. Mine rolls to the back not the front. Yours seems to come to the fr...Oh wait. Bob Dole was right. I'm a dufus!

Ken Fitzgerald
12-04-2016, 8:43 PM
Merry Christmas Steve!

Rather than decorate my lathe, a DIL asked me to turn some pens for her to give some coworkers, so I'll be using it.

Steve Schlumpf
12-07-2016, 6:04 AM
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! Still plenty of time to post a photo of your decorated lathe! :D

Long time Ken! Hope you are doing great!!!

Peter Fabricius
12-07-2016, 9:13 AM
Merry Christmas Steve and all Creekers. Nice time of year once the decorating is done. We have family with Grandchildren coming to our house this year.
Be Safe and enjoy