View Full Version : Tucson/Southern AZ Hardwood Suppliers?

Chad Bender
11-27-2016, 10:54 AM
I've just completed a move from the meca of domestic hardwood (central PA) to Tucson, AZ. Can anyone recommend local hardwood suppliers who carry the standard domestics (e.g. cherry, quartered white oak, walnut), besides the nationally known chain stores that are in town? I'm looking for rough, FAS, 4/4, 5/4, 8/4,and can deal with medium (6-12") widths, probably 100-200 bf at a time.

I got spoiled in PA - the last places I shopped were Irion and Groff&Geoff.

I can drive to Phoenix if the price is right, but previous posts (from 5-10 years ago) suggested the quality at a lot of the Phoenix small-scale retailers was not fantastic.

If there's no good local sources, has anyone ever shipped in such small quantities all the way across the country?


Steve Eure
11-27-2016, 3:59 PM
Here is the information on a good source in your area. Good folks to deal with. Woodworkers Source
Mark Stephens is his name. mark@woodworkerssource.com

3 Stores to Visit!

18115 N. Black Canyon Hwy
Phoenix, AZ 85023

645 W. Elliot Rd
Tempe, AZ 85284

3441 S. Palo Verde Rd
Tucson, AZ, 85713


8:00am - 5:00pm
Monday - Saturday


Follow Us Online

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Woodworkers Source Website (http://woodworkerssource.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f2fde183a013781bca90768bf&id=d8061a6d43&e=43dcb9d6e7)

Chad Bender
11-27-2016, 9:27 PM
Thanks Steve. Guess I'd heard of WWS, but has forgotten they had a local shop. I'll have to swing buy and see what they have. If the website prices are the same as the retail store, it's pretty pricey, but maybe the cherry is OK on sale. QSWO is nuts ($9/bf; I paid $3.50 in PA). They do have a lot of exotics, but I'm not typically looking for those. Any other ideas? I hear there are a lot of woodworkers in Tucson, so I wonder where they are getting their wood.

Maybe shipping across the country isn't so crazy after all; seems like quite a few people here have done that. Never occurred to me before, as I'd always just go to the mill.