View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
11-21-2016, 3:17 AM
21 Nov 2016

Good Morning Everyone,
It's been a long hard weekend for oncall duty. Just now wrapping up some stuff and I'm past ready for bed.
Finished the blanket chest for the LOML Jr. I'll post pics after I get some sleep. :)

A woodworking friend of mine, Zahid Naqvi, sent me this cool shirt....so I ordered him one. :) Thank You Zahid!!!

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all!

Wayne Lomman
11-21-2016, 5:03 AM
Great shirt, Dennis! I worked on a coffee table to match the dining suite just completed. By the way, when I craned the table onto the truck it tipped the scales at 334kg. I will post photos some time when I upgrade my abacus to a computer....
Also we did a walk through of the house I'm working on and discovered that there is a bathroom that had been kind of forgotten (yes it is a largish house) and has no cabinets in it at all, so that is another job in the next few days. Cheers

By the way, the table is heavy as it is 3 metres long on a single pedestal and needs plenty of low down weight so it won't tip over when you sit on one end.

Jim Becker
11-21-2016, 10:20 AM
Productive weekend here...'took advantage of the 70ºF day on Saturday to (presumably) mow the lawn for the last time this season and then moved back on to my bathroom renovation project. At the end of the weekend, it's down to "punch list" for this project and hopefully I can soon get back on actual woodworking projects. :)

