View Full Version : Help with Alder

Paul Follett
11-20-2016, 10:43 PM
I could use some help with finishing an Alder headboard. My wife would like a lighter color and to minimize the red color. I have tried a few different ideas but even with a straight poly it goes to the red end of the spectrum.

I am not having any blotching problems but i did sand very very smooth, to 320. I have tried wash coat of shellac and it is still too red.

Suggestions appreciated.

Scott Holmes
11-20-2016, 11:37 PM
A two part wood bleach will remove the color from most woods.

Wayne Lomman
11-21-2016, 5:19 AM
I'm not familiar with alder specifically but in general, to get rid of red, you add green. The trade off is that the colour ends up darker which is not what you want. Bleaching seems to be the best option as Scott suggests. I posted a procedure for this recently. Cheers

Paul Follett
11-21-2016, 8:29 AM
Will bleaching change the look of the grain much.

Scott Holmes
11-22-2016, 10:57 PM
It does not change the grain pattern it only removes the color... The grain may be a slightly less prominent after bleaching.

You may want to try regular chlorine bleach to see if that removes the red.

Paul Follett
11-24-2016, 5:13 PM
I was not too keen on using strong chemicals so I started with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide that I had on hand. I applied it in a fairly wet wash and let it dry for 24 hours using a fan to maintain air movement. I sanded using 220 grit with an orbital sander and applied the same natural stain and water based poly top coats.

The results on my test piece were astounding the red component is gone and the results are very close to a White Birch look. I have gone ahead and treated the rest of the wood for my project and once it dries I hope the results are the same.

Thanks for the suggestions and help.

Sam Murdoch
11-24-2016, 5:54 PM
You have started on your own road to this discovery of bleached alder. Pretty cool huh?

My experience with bleaching alder is that it can be turned into the most beautiful ANTIQUE IVORY color. I've never had another wood looks so nice after bleaching. I used a 2 part chemical bleach. I'd have to look it up as I don't remember the product exactly (some in my shop if you care to know).

Hope your wife likes :)


Paul Follett
11-24-2016, 7:42 PM
You have started on your own road to this discovery of bleached alder. Pretty cool huh?

My experience with bleaching alder is that it can be turned into the most beautiful ANTIQUE IVORY color. I've never had another wood looks so nice after bleaching. I used a 2 part chemical bleach. I'd have to look it up as I don't remember the product exactly (some in my shop if you care to know).

Hope your wife likes :)


If you get a chance let me know what the bleaching system you have is. At the moment I am pretty pleased with the results I have gotten so far and equally important so is my wife.

Sam Murdoch
11-24-2016, 10:31 PM
If you get a chance let me know what the bleaching system you have is. At the moment I am pretty pleased with the results I have gotten so far and equally important so is my wife.

Will do tomorrow.

Sam Murdoch
11-25-2016, 10:13 AM
OK Paul - this is what I have used - HOODBLEACH 190 - Which apparently Hood no longer offers as it is a 2 part bleach. Insurance companies won't insure because of the hazardous nature and potential misuse. Same old insurance crap. I'm glad I have my quart of each part.

Anyway - Hood does offer other products but I have no reason to recommend.