View Full Version : Trundle Bed

Guy Germaine
10-06-2005, 3:00 PM
Anybody ever build a Trundle Bed? I was just asked to build one, and I need some plans. Any help would be appreciated.

John Hemenway
10-06-2005, 3:16 PM
HisNormness built one several years ago. Check at www.newyankee.com .

Guy Germaine
10-06-2005, 3:24 PM
I showed her that one...No good. She's wanting something like this:
Trundle Bed (http://www.furnitureontheweb.com/NoFrame/items_direct/104385nf.html?source=NexTag)

That one doesn't look too difficult, I just need some measurements.

John Hemenway
10-06-2005, 3:30 PM
Well, that example has dimensions for the trundle - 84x42x10. Assuming you are doing a 'twin' bed the rest of the dimentions can be guessed/calculated from that. You should also check the mattresses you plan to use since there doesn't seem to be true standards in sizes.
Good luck and remember to post pics of the results!

Lee Schierer
10-07-2005, 11:09 AM
I've made two trundle beds so far. I purchased the hardware from Montgomery Wards and Pennys. Most furniture stores will also sell the bedframes and trundle hadware.

The following images have trundles that roll out and can either be used in the low state or popped up. If you put them next to each outher you have a king size bed. Here's how mine turned out. http://home.earthlink.net/~us71na/BED1.jpg


It is important to know what mattress you are going to use. All mattresses are not created equal in terms of height. Make sure you leave space for blankets, etc. above the top of the trundle mattress. Bear in mind that the bed will sink into carpet slightly more than the trundle will as it is rolled in and out.