View Full Version : Staining and finishing solid wood countertop edging

John Lankers
11-18-2016, 12:50 PM
I'm building Formica covered countertops and have the Formica already glued down when my wife decided (and I agree with her) that the wood edging I'm planning to apply would add a very nice contrast if I stained it and then apply the Polyurethane. If I were to apply an oil based Polyurethane alone I would just tape the Formica and apply the Poly. My concern now is the stain might creep under the tape and permanently stain the Formica. Staining the edging before I glue it on could work but I'm certain I'll have to flush trim or sand it in at least a few places afterwards which eliminates this option.
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Wayne Lomman
11-18-2016, 8:51 PM
John, apply the stain by hand with a rag that is not too wet. As soon as you are happy with the stain and before it dries, pull off the tape and clean the edge of the Formica. Let the stain dry and then mask up to put the rest of the coats on. Even if you use a fast drying dye stain, this will still work. Cheers

Gerry Grzadzinski
11-18-2016, 9:08 PM
The Formica will be impervious to the stain.
If you get any on the Formica, you can remove it (carefully) with a rag and lacquer thinner. Just don't touch the finished wood.

Marty Schlosser
11-19-2016, 8:21 AM
Yeah, I'm with everyone else here who's responded to this thread. I've used this in two of our kitchens thus far and never had a problem with staining. Just be careful with how you apply the tape then lay down the stain and you'll be okay. Same goes for the poly.

The Formica will be impervious to the stain.
If you get any on the Formica, you can remove it (carefully) with a rag and lacquer thinner. Just don't touch the finished wood.

John Lankers
11-19-2016, 10:53 AM
Thanks guys, this is the response I expected to receive, I was probably looking for that "silver bullet" or the easy way out ;).
Tape, Laquer Thinner, Q-Tips and rags it is, it'll be worth it.