View Full Version : Penn State vs Wolverine compatibility

Adam Petersen
11-14-2016, 11:49 PM

I"ve got the Penn-State 4 n 1 Wolverine knock off system for sharpening. My platform on this doesn't extend very high on the wheel. Looking at the Robo-rest and Wolverine platforms, they are much higher on the wheel. I don't like the gap between the wheel and the platform I currently have. I was wondering if anyone could measure the dimensions of the square tube on your Wolverine arm for me to see if it is the same as the one I have. My goal is, if they are the same, to get a Robo-rest on the square tube arm.

Thank you,

Adam Petersen

Roland Martin
11-15-2016, 7:34 AM
Adam, I have the Penn State that I bought 6 - 7 years ago. I replaced it with the Wolverine shortly thereafter. For some reason, the Penn State measures about 1/32" larger then the Wolverine but they seem to interchange fine. I physically tried them & they work fine.

Reed Gray
11-15-2016, 11:38 AM
Hmm, haven't seen the Penn State set up. The tube arm on the Wolverine is 3/4 inch as near as I can tell. Some have taken the Wolverine platform and cut a slot into it to match the wheel, with some wiggle room so the sides don't rub. The reason they don't come that way is because with standard grinding wheels, you are never supposed to grind on the side of the wheel as a safety thing. With the metal CBN wheels, there is no risk of them ever blowing up, so that is not an issue. If your platform is too low, you can raise it. With the Wolverine, with most grinders, you want the grinder up on a piece of 3/4 inch plywood. I have a 1 hp Rikon grinder and had to raise the Wolverine platforms up about 5/8 inch, so you may need to do some adjusting. I think Oneway says to have the grinder axle center at 6 to 6 1/2 inches above the base of the Wolverine jig.

robo hippy

Adam Petersen
11-16-2016, 1:10 AM
Thanks guys. That's what I needed to know. I do have my platform set up the same as the Wolverine. The arm on the Penn State is just too low for the platform. I don't want to raise one up and not the other any further because I have a standard wheel on one side and the new CBN wheel on the other. I'll fiddle with it, but your Robo-rest looks taller in the pictures. The Wolverine does too for that matter. I think it's just a shortfall of the Penn State. I don't have problems otherwise. Maybe I'll see if I can extend it up by replacing the linkage piece with a longer one. Otherwise, it sounds compatible and my birthday is coming up....

Roland, can I ask you why you switched shortly after getting the Penn State?