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steven c newman
11-05-2016, 4:44 PM
Well, after the Book of Auger Bits......maybe something else for the shop? have a few "toys" to stash out of harm's way...
Rosewood,Brass, & Steel.....the long bevel gauge is a 12" model. The box they are sitting on? Well, I was just going to add some holders, until I looked a bit closer..
look around the bottom of the box. The box's bottom has busted out the sides and back. A cat had also did his business on the box. Box below is my Stanley No.45 box.

So, I scrounged around, found what I think will be enough Cherry scraps to build a better box. mostly 4/4 stuff..
The short board in front is a 3/4" thick one. Marked a center line on the thicker boards...
There is a "bead board" I have also resawn down..
Might find some use for it in the new lid? First cuttings were done on the bandsaw (NOT doing it with a handsaw)
And a second cutting..
Noticed the bolt that holds the upper thrust bearing rolling across the table and unto the floor.....hate when that happens. Seems the bearing is "locked up" anyway. Bandsaw seemed to run better without the bolt...:confused:

The reason there is a shorter board from the resaw? Board was leaning over to one side at the start of the cut. Turned board around, and no more lean. Cut off the bad section. Boss needed errands run, so had to stop for a while. Twisted the sore knee while leaving the store,,:mad:,,OUCH.....am now seeing IF a little bit of Crown Royal Vanilla will help the knee feel better..:D...stay tuned, this project is just getting started....:eek:

steven c newman
11-06-2016, 10:48 AM
Knee is feeling better this morning...might go and hide in the shop today....AFTER Lunch? Will TRY to get the rest of the cherry resawn, and a start on the work with the planes to get to S4S. May get a few cut to length, as that might help with the planes.....less wood to plane at a time. Have to wax the soles of the planes, too.

Shop still smells like a place where cherry pies were backed......good thing? At least it smells better than Walnut......

Maybbe by this evening, I can post a few more pictures....stay tuned.

steven c newman
11-06-2016, 1:55 PM
Well, got 4 pieces surfaced S4S. Got the rest of the rough stuff all resawn. The first 4 were cut to a length I think I needed, we'll see how THAT goes. battery on the camera goes going out....back was getting stiff. Time for a break?

I try not to waste too much wood..
347003Even some sap wood. Might be a bit rough to get any more out of this chunk.
Wound up with a decent supply of 1/2" stock..
The lighter sap wood might get used for a lid? The longer pieces needed cut to sizes. Longest ones are about 25-26" long. Cut a few @ 13" long, and square a few ends. After a little remodelling on the bench's top, I could start to surface the four 13" long pieces. Between the roughsawn sides, and the bandsawn sides, needed a bit of jack plane work..
Before the shavings were flying. Stanley # 5c... Grain running every which way. Came back with a Junior jack ( not nearly as cambered) and then a #3 sized to smooth each face out. Checked the edges to see which was the straightest...Set up to joint some of the others..
Set a combo square to the width of the narrowest end, mark a line and plane the other edge to match the width. Junior Jack to do most of the work, and then a few passes with that #3. Worked my way through the four main pieces..
Not too bad a day. Which leaves all of these to do..
Hmmm, well,.....maybe after a break? As for the remodel job?
There is now a Planning stop in the shop. Made a dowel to size, top is cut at an angle. Old saw plate, screwed in place into the dowel. Should help with these thinner boards.

Lunchtime, and a long break after. Waiting on the camera to finish charging back up. Stay tuned...

steven c newman
11-07-2016, 2:10 PM
Went through all of the "sap" wood pieces, cut them long ones to match the shorter ones.....jointed a few edges, flattened a few faces.....then the fight to get them and a cherry accent piece into the pipe clamps. One pipe clamp even refused to lock onto the pipe......it is now leaning against a wall. Had to hammer the panel flat while I clamped it up, was getting a bit squirrelly.....About made a Marine blush with all the cussing going on.

Making a panel to serve as a lid. Not sure IF it will be a raised panel, or..just a flat lid. I have enough "extra" Cherry, I could build a lid frame to house a raised panel in.....

Letting the dang thing sit in the clamps awhile.....film @ 2300 Hrs, ZULU.......

steven c newman
11-07-2016, 3:32 PM
Well...stumbled back down to the scene of the crime...
Brown piece is to be a cherry accent piece. Someday, I cut these long pipes down to something a bit more easy to handle..
Twas the first hammer I could grab at the time.:eek: Not worried about the waffle face, as I will be working the panel over with a few planes.
Yep, for the stuff I make...5' long pipes is a bit much. Need to find my pipe cutter.....:rolleyes:

steven c newman
11-08-2016, 12:41 AM
Snuck quietly back to the shop a bit ago......I gently removed the clamps from the panel.....did NOT hear any cracking going on;)..whew. Laid a few toys out for tomorrow, as well..
hand cut dovetails on tap for tuesday. Needed the pieces for the sides cut to their lengths, with squared ends. I suppose i could have dug my way back to the big mitre saw
Yep, can't get there from here. Was only needing a few crosscuts anyway....I got the GEM Mitre Box out of the cobwebs, and attached it to the now cleared off bench
Yes, that is the backsaw from Aldi's. I had to tighten the guides a bit, after the saw was installed
So..I needed two sides @ 12-1/2" long, and 2 @ 11-1/2" long. I squared up one end, marked the length and cut the other end. Didn't do too hateful of a job
But, after all, it is only Cherry. Toys for the dovetails tomorrow?
Here is most of them. Mallet, chisels, and a Disston #4 rip backsaw need to be tracked down. That dovetail bit? That is what I use as a marking gauge to lay out dovetail parts. BTW: I do pins first..:eek:

I'll set that panel aside for a few days, before the planes can abuse it. Need to cut it to final size..AFTER I find out what that will be. Need to build the box first. Time to say "Good Night, Gracie.."

steven c newman
11-08-2016, 10:55 AM
Well, I've slept on it awhile.....no "Honey-Dos for today. Might be a good day to just sit on the shop stool and make cherry flavoured saw dust? Might get a small plywood panel for the bottom. need to get the GEM off my bench, first....meed some elbow room. Hoping the camera has charged up enough. Wonder how long this will take, to make dovetails for four corners? Maybe by suppertime?

Glen Canaday
11-08-2016, 11:02 AM
If that were my shop, my next project might be...shelving and a tool cabinet!

Actually that is how I know I've gone too far. I am out of storage. I have been sllloowwwlllyyyy divesting of stuff that's been replaced with a much cooler duplicate. That and winterizing are where all of the shop time has gone, but I'm not even getting enough of that right now. I'm jealous of the opportunity to steal away.

steven c newman
11-08-2016, 2:24 PM
Well, first I laid out some tools, after clearing the decks..
Matched a few ends together
Laid out some pins..
And a backsaw to split the lines, then some chisel work
Until these showed up
Then used the pins to lay out the tails, and saw and chisel the waste out, leaving the lines
One down, three to go. Finally got all four corners done....then the camera died. So..
So is right before the camera died. Still have a bit of fine tuning to do, and maybe cut a groove for the bottom panel to sit in......

Have the camera sitting here on the charger. Errands to run, anyway. Not too bad a day...

steven c newman
11-08-2016, 5:59 PM
Suppertime is about over. Hoping the camera is about ready to go to work, again. Need to set up a jig, and plough a few grooves.

Joints will need fine tuning, too. Once I can get the bottom panel sized to fit, a glue up will be next. Then, figure out a few dividers on the inside, to hold the squares and gauges in place. Then decide on a lid, of some sort.....

Handles sticking up out of the bench? Those are the chisels I was using, the dog holes work nicely to keep them from rolling off the bench...and onto the floor. Now, IF I can get motivated to wander down to the shop......

steven c newman
11-08-2016, 7:52 PM
Ok, still issues with the camera......Santa may have to bring me a new one? Had the four sides all dovetailed together..
Ok, cleared the bench, set the "frame" over on the panel for the lid..
Had to tear down the Stanley 45....still had the long rods, and cam rest, and a too wide cutter.....switched out to install the short rods, and a 1/4" cutter
Couldn't find the "old" jig, so I made a new one..
Screws into the ends where they will not effect the joints, but hold the piece in place. Candle wax on the fence and skates, and here we go..
And wind up with a groove...
Then switch to the next piece and repeat. I checked to make sure the grooves will line up..

I made a point of marking where every groove would go, as in a "B", on the inside of the assembled frame. It also marks that this is the inside of the frame. Cross the top of each joint is a line, and a pair of numbers. Helps when assemble with glue happens. Better look now, as this is as clean as the bench's top gets..
Not too bad a day, better than yesterday was, at least. Need to start to fine tune the joints...tomorrow. I'm a little tuckered out.....stay tuned.

steven c newman
11-09-2016, 10:31 PM
Plywood for the bottom panel has been bought....1/4" ( 5mm) Luann. A 2' x 2' sheet. Picked one out for the best grain they had. Expensive, too $3.67! Used my 10% Mil. Discount to make it a little cheaper in price.

Walking around the store.....back of the knee "popped" a couple times, made it a bit rough to walk out of the store. My fault for not using one of their shopping go-karts.

panel is now in the shop. IF the knee feels better tomorrow, I might get back at this little project..

steven c newman
11-10-2016, 12:12 PM
Dry fits today. Got the plywood cut down to roughly the size needed....with a wee bit extra. Leftovers?
Enough there for a few more box bottoms.
Tried to install the bottom.....a trim here, and another there, try again....nope, more trimming. Used a Millers Falls No. 56B Block plane to smooth the edges straight. Finally could get a few clamps in place
I even got most of the gaposis fixed...not all, but most. Placed 6 clamps ( no glue, though)
And checked the corners with a square. Then, I loaded up what is supposed to be inside this box..
Just to see where any dividers might go. Seems to have plenty of room? Might add some other items, as well..
Thumbscrews might be a problem, though..
I'll work on this half of the box for awhile, maybe a glue later? Then I can work on that lid. Might have enough Cherry scraps to build the frame to hold that panel I glued up.

steven c newman
11-11-2016, 11:26 PM
Took the day off to enjoy Veterans' Day. Maybe, since the GrandBRAT and GrandbratDIVA are staying this weekend, I might just slide down to the shop, and hide out all day. might even get something done....

steven c newman
11-13-2016, 1:50 PM
Parts have been glued up, and are sitting under forest of clamps.......Even more than the last picture of them....

Letting things cure out fot today.....maybe tomorrow I can get the clamps off, and clean things up. Will get a couple photos after the clamps come off.
Checked the lumber supply.....have enough to make a frame to hold a raised panel.....to build a lid. Will start on that, when the bench is cleared off again...

steven c newman
11-13-2016, 8:05 PM
Had an errand to run in the shop, so I snapped a picture of that forest of clamps cluttering up my bench...
I even cheked it for square, using that huge Stanley square, Will see how this turns out later....

steven c newman
11-14-2016, 5:12 PM
Ok, I removed all those clamps today.....and started on a bit of clean up
Any holes were given a bit of glue, and then a pinch of bandsaw dust. Then a palmsander to sand it smooth. Next, an old Stanley plane to smooth things out
And worked my way around the four sides of the box. Had to turn the box a few times, due to the direction of the grain
Finally plopped the box onto the bench, and worked on some high spots along the corners
I think I can set this aside for a day? Got out the panel for the lid, and clamped it up...
Yep, it is ugly. But, there is a way..
Cambered jack. I also trimmed the ends to close to what I needed. I scrubbed both faces down, and then ran the smooth plane again...
Going first at the diagonals, and then rotated around to go with the grain. That bead will be gone, after I raise the panel...
Decided to all "Breaktime!" before I start on the next set of pieces.. mainly the four pieces to make up a frame to hold a raised panel.

steven c newman
11-14-2016, 5:22 PM
Too many pictures. eh? OK, here are the four frame pieces..
Might wait for a while. Cut roughly to lengths, need planed to size.

I usually rub a candle onto the sole of the plane I'm using.......was a bit too slick today, pulled back a bit too far. yep,bounce a few knuckles off the corner of the box. I had even put on a clean pair of jeans this morning....now they have some red "stripes" on them..hate when that happens. Hand is sore, back is getting stiff. Knee is behaving, so far. I might wander back down to the shop, later, and work on those four pieces. Coarse, Medium, and fine.....just three planes needed.

steven c newman
11-14-2016, 11:57 PM
Ok, decided to sneak back to the shop for a little bit....Cleared away a few items, set up to plane some rough parts down a bit..
Yep, they be rough. Used a little bit larger plane, this time, a bit heavier that the Stanley #5c
A Stanley #5-1/2 might do the job. Weight will help hold the board down to the bench, too...once each face was flat, a smooth plane then worked it over.
Soon enough, I had all four flattened and almost smoothed out. As for the edges..
Back to the Jumbo Jack. Joint this edge, then flip them over to joint the other edges. Trying to make them all the same width, too. Laid them out on the box..
Just to check the lengths. Two needed a slight trim on the ends. Should be almost ready to cut dovetails?
After the Dovetails are done, then plough some grooves. Then try to make a raised panel. Might take a day or two...

steven c newman
11-15-2016, 10:04 AM
Errands to run first, maybe get back to the shop this evening?

Will try the dovetails first. Have to match with the lower ones, I think. May take a bit of layout.

steven c newman
11-15-2016, 12:10 PM
Lay out went ..OK....then I goofed....and did these things first..
As I normally do these first...
That way, I can remember which side of a line to saw on. I finally remembered on the second corner...the first?
Meh. I can fill the gaps, later. Have the first 2 corners done. Need some errand ran, and then I can do the other two corners..
Pins first the next time down there....

Need these done, and dry fitted up, so I can size the panel. Then maybe raise it? need grooves ploughed, too. Got all week, no rush...

steven c newman
11-15-2016, 8:38 PM
Afraid this will be it for a day or two.....upper radiator hose on the Town & Country van I have, blew. Have all the new parts on hand, getting the old clamps and hose OFF is the sticking point. Someone had glued the hose in place, and then clamped it down. Grrrrrr. The engine side was bad enough, now I get to try the radiator side......stuck way back under a bunch of other parts. Just made my day. And I thought Mondays are bad......

Once I can get the van fixed up and running again, and a few knuckles heal up, I can start on this lid, again.

steven c newman
11-16-2016, 2:25 PM
Ok, have the van repaired. Maybe a trip to the shop later today? Knuckles have about healed up.....until I "nail" a few more.....left hand has been taking a beating lately.

When I do mosey down to the shop.....I need to remember to make pins first, this time around.....I get tighter dovetails that way. Need to set up the Stanley #45 as well.

I suppose I will have to build a jig to hold things while I plough a few grooves?

steven c newman
11-16-2016, 6:36 PM
Well, I got the rest of the dovetails done..
Needed it set up like this to size the panel a bit better....
Mainly for length. Width was fine. Once the extra was trimmed off, I laid out to make this a Raised Panel sort of thing..
A "stop line" about 1" down, and another about 1/4" or so from the bottom edge
Paul Sellers would leave the board like this.....I don't. But, we use the same plane..
In my case, it is a Stanley SW #4 Type 13. I plane at a diagonal to the edge, until both layout lines are gone. I work on the end grain ends first. Once both ends are done, I can work on the sides a bit..
All four sides are now done, I set it up on the lid's frame, again..
To make sure it will fit into a groove the next plane will be making
Stanley #45, set up for a 1/4" x 1/4" groove. Right now, I am just a hair tired out. Fixed a van, chop a few dovetails, and raise a panel.....busy day today. ( And not a beer in the house.....drat)

steven c newman
11-17-2016, 6:57 PM
Will have to wait until the end of this year, BEFORE I spend the money to become a "Contributor" here. Kind of late in the year to.....2 months left?

maybe in January, I can spend for an entire year's worth?

As soon as these legs get to where I can work in the shop again, the next chapter of this saga will get done. until then...have fun. Hope you all enjoyed this little story...

Mel Fulks
11-17-2016, 7:14 PM
Your year starts any time you want, the Creek management uses computers.

David Eisenhauer
11-17-2016, 7:46 PM
Steven: I definitely hear you about beating your hands up. I have been cutting rabbets around the perimeter of some 1/2" thick panels to fit into 1/4" dados in the legs and stretchers. I was using a Stanley 76? 78? 79? (whatever it is) and a 3/4" shoulder plane alongside a batten to cut the rabbets with. I sharpened up the irons on both planes and both planes leave a bit of the outside end of the blade exposed past the body of the plane where my off hand (left) grabs the plane to push the plane either against either the fence or the batten. I counted six nicks total on my index and middle finger the other day before I decided that I need to change my way of grabbing these planes. I knew of two of the larger nicks and found the other four when I used some of the alcohol based hand cleaner when going into a lunchtime restaurant. I am considering a more red color dye on the project when it comes time to finish now. Round two of rabbeting starts tomorrow and I will pay attention this time around.

steven c newman
11-17-2016, 8:20 PM
That Stanley #45 I have will also do rebates nicely. It even has the nicker to cut end grain with. Yours would be the Stanley #78......my thumb gets sore using it, as it is tucked into the front of the plane, and gets caught on the bullnose section's bolt.

steven c newman
11-18-2016, 1:50 AM
Maybe Saturday i can float down to the shop for a few hours? Might just wind up with a glued up lid. Trying to figure a layout for the insides of the box....have squares and other items that need a dedicated spot to call home....working on it.

steven c newman
11-18-2016, 5:08 PM
Made a jig..
To mill some grooves..
Then made sure the raised panel would fit IN the groove..
Then repeat three times for the rest of the sides.
First dry fit showed the panel was still too long. Trimmed it down, and a Junior Jack plane to "re-bevel" the trimmed end.

Try again with a dry fit (no glue yet)..
Will take a bit more fussing & feuding. That "crack" is just a strip of heartwood. Happens to be a brown colour instead of the off-white of the sap wood.

Maybe next time I can get to the shop, I can fine tune this lid, and maybe smear some Elmer's a round?

steven c newman
11-19-2016, 6:31 PM
Thanks to this nasty weather....knee is in bad shape today...more or less "Chair-bound" for the day....stairs are out of the question right now.

Weather outside?
Bah,,HUMBUG!....this is after a full day of "snow-bursts" coming through. Finally it was able to stick around, AFTER the sun went down...

James Pallas
11-20-2016, 7:41 AM
Dang it Steven. Didn't need to be reminded of what's to come. Don't mind the cold so much but that white stuff keeps me inside. Oh well spring is just around the corner:)

steven c newman
11-20-2016, 5:58 PM
I HATE Snow.....isn't that a four letter word?

Somehow managed to get to the shop today..TWICE in fact. One was to fine tune the raised panel a bit
End grain ends needed "shot" to get rid of the waviness.
Several "fat spots" mainly at the corners of the bevels, needed planed down to match the rest. Spokeshave, and a blockplane to clean that up. One last test fit....one more spot to clean up....then some Elmer's
Diagonals showed I needed a clamp to pull things back into square. The Long sides (front and back) were also bowed in...so the square in the next picture wasn't much help
I'll add a strut across to push things back to straight. Let this sit awhile......Lunchtime, anyway..

Later this afternoon, managed to return to the shop.....and started to remove the clamps.....not rushing it, one at a time, making sure nothing moves on it's own....
Finally got all the clamps put away. Got the box down to my end of the bench, and give the lid a try out..
I had earlier marked which end went where. Will do until I get the strut in place under the lid...
Have a few holes to fill...no biggie. At least it sits flat on the box. One more look at the raised panel?
Mainly sap wood with Cherry Heartwood accents. Will let this sit awhile, maybe tomorrow I can do a bit more?

steven c newman
11-21-2016, 12:26 AM
Back to the lower half, while the glue cures a day. Had two bead cutters to choose from..
A #22, or a #23? Chose the 23 bead cutter. Took the #12 straighter cutter out of the 45. Installed the bead cutter. A little wider, so the skates had thier own groove to slide in.
How to clamp a box to a bench...
Well, this way wasn't it. Sooo
This seemed to work best. Tried to follow the grain's direction.....
Wound up putting the long rods in. I can rotate the box, and still plane from this direction...
Wind up with something like this. Hitting those dovetails wasn't really too nice. Battery was having trouble on the camera.....
Went ahead and beaded all four sides. Beads are just below the opening for the lid. Once the lid id ready, I'll add a bead to it, as well.....maybe, depends on the lid, and how it looks. Need a new candle to wax the soles with, anyway....

Glen Canaday
11-21-2016, 9:32 AM
I use a hunk of gulf wax for that from the canning supplies section of the supermarket. Ya get a pound of it for super cheap. Don't know what you pay for candles, but it's the same stuff...straight paraffin.

Phil Mueller
11-21-2016, 10:58 AM
Thanks Glen, great tip.

steven c newman
11-21-2016, 11:31 AM
I get a "4-pack" of small candles at Walmart. maybe a dollar or two. Still on the first one.
Used that candle quite a bit last night, though..
Makes this old plane work a little better. Was adding a "detail"
Ran a bead around just below the opening of the box..fun part was clamping the box so it would stay put
This seemed to do...ok. Long rods I could reach across to the other side, or slide the fence in, to do a bead close to me. Could rotate the box to allow for grain directions...got all four sides done.

steven c newman
11-21-2016, 2:30 PM
Details, details.....spent some time this morning, with both sections clamped together in the vise....task was to get them to at least LOOK like they matched each other..
Used quite a few planes and a spokeshave..
Even "chased" a couple beads, to clean them up. Decided a second bead would be too busy...
Finally got all four sides cleaned and matched up....got out that SMELLY BLO stuff, and brushed on a coat to seal things up..
Too much glare down in the shop...sides?
IF I move out of the glare, shadows appear....this might be either the hinge or latch side
Stepped back a bit..
Waiting on the seal coat to dry....maybe I can go and find some hinges, and a latch. Get the outside done first, and then start making tool holders for the inside.

Bill McDermott
11-22-2016, 3:45 PM
Steven, I enjoy your sense of humor. You are obviously having a good time in the shop. Thanks for sharing the joy. "Forest of Clamps" is an especially good one. I swear, sometimes a simple little project in clamps does look like an impenetrable thicket.

steven c newman
11-22-2016, 6:45 PM
If'n I can't have fun doing something, I soon will stop and move on. Shop is my place to hang out at. Keeps me out of the bars...

Anyway...I installed a strut to the underside of the lid, more to correct a bowed in side. Dab of Elmer's and a friction fit.....since the lid was turned over, decided to coat the underside of the lid with that SMELLY BLO
After things set up, I might add a notch to the strut, and hang this in it
And maybe a keeper. Finally got the hinges off the old bit box ( might find some use for the old box) and now trying to decide which way to install them. whether to chop out a little bit..
Something like this? Or..just flush mount?
Hmmm, I like option #1 better. While I was down there today, I gave the rest of the box a second coat...
As the first coat had soaked right in. Holding my nose, I then went back upstairs.. called it a day.

steven c newman
11-23-2016, 2:17 PM
Knee is scheduled for Same day surgery on the 15th of December....will have it "scoped" to remove a bunch of stuff that is floating around inside it, and to "sand down" all the rough spots left by Uncle Arthur. Might be going on the "DL" for a few weeks..

steven c newman
11-23-2016, 7:27 PM
Ok, on that happy note....fought with the camera today. Managed to install some hinges....and I even used a small drill for the pilot holes..
Small drill point. So, maybe a look at this,since there is now a 50/50 mix of BLO and varnish on it..
This be the front, still needs a latch..
Rotate 90 degrees..
Rotate again, and see the hinges...
And, one more time. Way too much glare for a good shot of the top..
Will do for now...:rolleyes:

steven c newman
11-25-2016, 12:19 AM
letting this dry another day. "French Fitted"?:confused: Not sure about how to do that. And...NO, I will not be adding any flocking...:mad:

Wonder if I should hang a few items in the lid, as well...

Have to drive the Boss around friday....might go and find a latch.

Jim Koepke
11-25-2016, 1:08 AM
"French Fitted"?:confused: Not sure about how to do that.

It is very easy to do with a few gouges and a router plane with a narrow blade. Here is a picture of a "French Fitted" piece that fits in one of my drawers:


Since this picture was taken it has been worked on a little to better define the openings.


steven c newman
11-25-2016, 2:05 PM
Well,....steps forward and a bunch back...

Went down to the shop to check on how the finish was drying......it had completely "crazed"......just spent the morning removing the mess. Brush the dust and crud off, and brought the box upstairs for awhile....re-thinking the finish schedule now.
Mix was 50/50..BLO and Varnish.....something was quite right in there. May go with a spray finish of some sort...


Went back down to the shop, sanded down a cherry level body...and just applied a plain coat of BLO.....just a test.
Waited until the smell was gone from the BLO. Then sprayed the level and a handle with the rattle can Lacquer. Waiting to see how it turns out....Might be in the morning...

steven c newman
11-26-2016, 12:01 AM
Just check the Guinea Pigs I sprayed with the Lacquer after the BLO had quit smelling the shop up......so far, so good....
Sat this Old No. 3 level over where a better picture could be done....Surface did not "craze" nor bubble. Turned the Cherry body a bit dark, between the BLO and Lacquer...
It didn't bother the beech handle, though..
But Lacquer alone turned some old Rosewood almost black..
Have to remember that one.
Looks like, IF in the morning these three are still ok, I can re-do the Cherry Box. BLO first thing, allow to cure out ( NO smell) and then spray the WATCO clear gloss Lacquer. And allow to dry. til then, no woodworking in the shop,,,dust....

steven c newman
11-26-2016, 9:55 PM
Baring any further troubles with this box.....I think this might be about it for this little "adventure"

Knocked the gloss down a bit, brought the box upstairs for better lighting...

Had the toys laid out...just about filled the lid..
Still have SOME room in the box, though
Pile them all into the box for now....need to get some keepers installed..and close the lid..
Still haven't gotten out to pick up a latch at Menards....
Well, I think that will about do it this LONG thread, I hope everyone enjoyed the show.

steven c newman
11-28-2016, 7:07 PM
Posted this as a Project. Might post more IF I can make a few parts.

Question now is......what project to do next?

Dec.15 I will have the left knee worked on.....won't be much else getting done for a while....Steps may be out of the "equation" for a few weeks...

Normand Leblanc
11-28-2016, 7:10 PM
Good luck with your knee Steven.

Stew Denton
11-28-2016, 8:55 PM
Hi Steven,

This has been a fun project to follow. Thanks!


David Eisenhauer
11-28-2016, 10:00 PM
Don't never stop Steven. We depend on you are so very needy.

steven c newman
11-30-2016, 7:16 PM
Well, I did get the latch today, and some "Screen Holders" Need to find a Mr. Gumption and install the latch. "Screen Holders"......came with bolts.....needed to have screws instead. Not a biggie, just need to go and buy the right screws. Don't want them too long, else they would come through the lid. Can't have that. Found out a 12" long ruler will not fit inside, unless it sits at the diagonal to the sides. About like this ../....instead of like this... ___ ....oh well.

Stew Denton
11-30-2016, 7:59 PM
Hi Steven,

Nice box storage for precision tools! Good Job!


steven c newman
11-30-2016, 8:53 PM

And a picture of the long awaited latch ( Gumption found taking a nap)
$2 latch.......

James Pallas
12-01-2016, 2:43 PM
Nice tool storage Steven. Good luck with the knee, a good scraping to remove the "rust" and some lube should help a lot.