View Full Version : EnduroVar

Jerry Thompson
10-31-2016, 6:12 PM
This will be the first time I will use this product on cherry other than the test board. I have sanded to 150. This was the last grit I have used so far and I did it by hand. It seems to me this should suffice. The directions say to apply three coats. In the test piece this resulted in a adequately thick finish that I smoothed with 0000 steel wool.
I sanded the test piece to 180 grit but I do not relish sanding if I don't have to.
I should note for others that have not used this product that it subtlety enhances the cherry and of course cherry will turn wonderful color after aging.
I should also note that I use a foam brush and have had no problems.
Thank you.

Wayne Lomman
11-01-2016, 12:51 AM
Jerry, if the 150 gives you the appearance you want, don't sand further. I am a firm believer in sanding just enough. On the other hand, I would recommend fine sandpaper instead of steel wool. 320 or 400 that is a bit worn is ideal. Steel wool leave bits behind and doesn't cut flat. Cheers

Andy Giddings
11-01-2016, 1:11 AM
Agree with Wayne about the steel wool. I use a 3M sanding pad (Fine - about 320-400 grit) and just sand enough by hand so that it dulls the finish and feels smooth. I also use a foam brush when I'm not spraying. I've only had to thin Endurovar when the air temp is above 85, dries too quickly at that temp and doesn't flow out.

John TenEyck
11-01-2016, 3:05 PM
Another reason not to use steel wool - if any fibers are left behind and get trapped in your next coat of WB finish they will rust. Not pretty.
