View Full Version : "Turn the Page", Book is about done..

steven c newman
10-31-2016, 1:56 PM
So, here is the "Book"..
Needs a title of some sort? Open to Page 1
The foam? Wasn't enough room for it. Maybe add an Index/Table of Contents? Turn the page..
This holds that #20 sized bit, and the leftovers from below..turn the page..
This one has a Clark Expansive bit, amongst other bits....turn to the last page..
Back page, has an #18, #16, and 2 #14s, and a #12....Close the book.
Might need to build a Book Shelf? Sometime...

James Pallas
10-31-2016, 2:33 PM
Nice build Steven. Fun to watch. I would guess that your book outweighs the big Webster. No wimpy shelf for that one.
What's next in the dragon's lair?

steven c newman
10-31-2016, 6:07 PM
Next? Well, have to clear the bench, first. Then there is that old bit box. The one that used to hold about half of these bits. I have some squares and bevel gauges to house in a box. need a place to stash those rosewood handles items. Might empty things out of the box, and add a few holders for them....but, that is another tale....

David Eisenhauer
10-31-2016, 7:11 PM
Cool "drill index".

Stew Denton
10-31-2016, 8:54 PM
Hi Steven,

Your bit box looks extremely handy. Good job! Now you get to use it!


steven c newman
11-01-2016, 9:40 AM
Thinking this little box might need a handle, or two.

steven c newman
11-03-2016, 10:01 AM
Have stashed this box to one side, and have started to lay out parts for the insides of the next box project. Trying to decide on which bits of scrap hardwood to use...