View Full Version : First shop

Aaron carter
10-26-2016, 8:58 PM
I am working on my first shop. I have been wanting to get into woodworking for the last three years and even have most of the larger tools for a full shop but no place to use them. I finally got permission from my wife to turn our 24x24 detached garage into my shop. I have been working on it for the last few months this summer it was completely unfinished.
I really want to specialize in veneering. I am planning on building a frame vacuum press once I get to that point.

Here is where I am at right now, it is a mess and a work in progress. My tools are at my father-in laws while I am finishing up. I have been working overnights and will finally have some time to work on it tomorrow. I will post some updated pictures tomorrow.


Mike Heidrick
10-26-2016, 11:28 PM
Looking good.

mike mcilroy
10-27-2016, 1:08 AM
Too clean and too much bare wall. I hope the tools you have solve both issues.;)

Bill Conerly
10-27-2016, 1:25 AM
Looks pretty cool. What's the wall storage system you're using, where the power tools are hanging?

Andrew Howe
10-27-2016, 5:55 AM
Looks really nice, please add more lighting:)

Aaron carter
10-27-2016, 8:21 PM

I added three more lights, mounted the tv, added some more cabinets. Going to try to redo the bench tomorrow.

Bill McNiel
10-28-2016, 12:17 PM

I added three more lights, mounted the tv, added some more cabinets. Going to try to redo the bench tomorrow.

Great idea to camouflage the freezer, no one will ever even know its there. Your winter meat should be safe.

Aaron carter
10-28-2016, 1:18 PM
You know that's what I was thinking too until about three weeks ago our garage got broke into and you know what they took...? All of our steaks, chicken wings, and a case of beer sitting next to the freezer that I was going to give to my buddy for letting me use his drywall lift... They didn't take any of my tools (the few that are in there) but like $200 worth of steaks... I'm not kidding haha. I feel that a sternly worded letter needs to be written to the freezer company for implying my freezer would be less detectable...

I have since installed a motion sensor security system in my garage to impede any future carnivorous bandits...