View Full Version : Q on Murphy Rodgers MRT-7B DC

Alan Turner
10-04-2005, 10:16 AM
I have a Murphy Rodgers, Model MRT - 7B dust collector motor, which I will be using on a temp. basis. It was part of an estate I bought, so I have nothing invested in it.

I will mount it on a cart, and add a drum lined with a plastic bag, and a 1 micron felt bag from American Fabric Filter Co., specially made. Here is a pix of the MRT-7B: (pix is second from bottom) It seems to be rated at 1600 cfm. It will travel from tool to tool for now. Longest run of flex will be about 5 feet, I figure.


Does anyone have any experience with this unit, or want to share any tips? This will be temporary as a DC as I have a big Torit cyclone, for a full shop central DC, but won't be able to get it installed for at least 9 months.

Comments and thoughts would be appreciated.