View Full Version : Spanish cedar

Jeff Bartley
10-21-2016, 10:15 PM
Has anyone here bought any Spanish cedar lately?

I was told that the only Spanish cedar available now is plantation grown and full of pin knots.


Michael Zerance
10-21-2016, 11:57 PM
Last purchase was about two years ago and I don't recall an excessive amount of knots.

peter Joseph
10-22-2016, 2:26 AM
Bought some last month. Same as I've been buying for 20 yrs. Someone trying to pitch you leftovers?

Jeff Bartley
10-22-2016, 6:25 AM
Peter, was it knot free? From what I've been told this lack of natural grown odorata Spanish cedar is recent.
I trust my source whole heartedly, beyond a shadow of a doubt! I just wish I had a longer time-line for the work so that I could get a sample of the plantation growth wood.

Robert LaPlaca
10-22-2016, 8:52 AM
Jeff, bought some Spanish cedar about 10 months ago, the material was beautiful, I would say only one tiny pin knot that I can remember. First time I used Spanish cedar, also purchased the material from a new supplier, IDK maybe it was old stock. Cannot say I was too impressed by any of the other hardwood that I normally purchase, that the supplier had on hand.

peter Joseph
10-23-2016, 2:07 AM
Absolutely Jeff. No knots what so ever.