View Full Version : Bit of an up-date on the bit box

steven c newman
10-21-2016, 11:44 AM
Other thread was getting a bit long, thought I'd post some of the "results" so far

Bottom two holders, for the bigger bits, are about done, and hinged together. I just got those to filled with bits. Then found I had a few more..
The biggie one is a Craftsman #20. It is too big for any of the holders. The others go from 16 down to a 4. Might make one more for the larger bits.
That red roll-up?:confused:
Made by HiKraft ( HiCraft?) from SE Ohio, near Logan, Oh. Might keep this one together. Then there are some of the smaller bits..
Well, those augers were on the pile on top of the box. Compared to to that Craftsman bit?
Not sure WHAT to do about the big guy. @ 1-1/4" it is no wonder it has never been used. :eek:

Holder #4 is also out of the clamps, today..
Need to trim it to sizes. May put the big bit on the auction site. Need to find latches to hold this box closed. Uncle Arthur is barking pretty good today, may play hooky from the shop until he stops...:rolleyes:

James Pallas
10-22-2016, 8:06 PM
It looks like this post may have been missed. I almost missed it myself. Really starting to look good Steven. It does seem that when one builds a container more of the same items grow out of the floor or fall out of the rafters. You may need to build a spare holder just in case those pesky critters start showing up.

steven c newman
10-22-2016, 8:12 PM
I even looked at a few bits today, while out on a rust hunt......and left them for someone else.

Played Hooky from the shop all day today. Maybe tomorrow. or Monday....I might get back to work on it?

Thinking of a way to use the Stanley #45 to create grooves for the bits to settle into the next holders. Have a spare cutter, or two......maybe re-grind them into "rounds"? Like turning the 5/8" and 3/4" bead cutters into rounds? Just a thought....

Glen Canaday
10-22-2016, 11:00 PM
My thought on that was to use the bits themselves to drill a deep hole, then rip the board in half. You'll get two troughs that will be a perfect fit for the bit they are supposed to store.

I haven't done it yet. I've been keeping my MF set of augers in a Swan box and I found a canvas roll on ebay, so aside from the fact that I essentially bought my augers by weight ($20 for about 20lbs of them) I have enough storage to get by with until I decide I want a nice fancy box and have time to make one.

steven c newman
10-23-2016, 1:18 AM
Well, been trying to use the bits.......I been having a bit of trouble drilling straight.

Got to thinking a bit ( dangerous, I know) and since I do have that Stanley #45...and, two bead cutters I doubt I'll ever use. I reground the 3/4" bead cutter into a round cutter. Took awhile....lots of dunking into the water, trying to keep it's cool.
Finally got the shape I was after..( Hey..round IS a shape, right) and then set up the Stanley @45. Had to go with the LONG arms, as the short ones were too short.

Rigged up a jig to hold the blank still long enough. Set the cutter for as shallow a cut as I could. Worked my way backwards until it stopped cutting the full length of a groove. Re-set the depth, and go again....then, do it a third time. The #20 auger bit seemed to settle right into the groove.....would be better IF there was a way to hold the shanks level......maybe re-use the cut-offs from the first two holders? IF I do get to the shop tomorrow, may see what I can do. Pictures tomorrow, as well.

Those two bead cutters? #28 and #29 I think were the numbers. A 5/8" and that 3/4" bead cutter. So far, have only re-ground the 3/4" one. I can always get another LARGE beading cutter to replace it. As long as I keep the cuts shallow, no chattering was observed.

steven c newman
10-23-2016, 1:53 AM
Just a tease of sorts..until later
A look at the reground cutter.
The jig. There is a groove almost done..
Might have to go a little deeper...
As this #20 is a huge bit. Will need something to hold the shanks level.....
Stay tuned, the cussing has started up, again:eek:

steven c newman
10-24-2016, 4:36 PM
Seemed to have caught a cold over the weekend....way too nice a day outside to hide in a basement.

IF I can stop coughing stuff, I might sneak down to the shop, and see about finishing a groove or two....Then I can cut the sides for height. Still have at least one more holder after this one, to do. Hoping the camera can keep up.

steven c newman
10-24-2016, 8:57 PM
Page #3 is now sitting in the clamps. Trying something a little different. I used the Stanley 45 to cut 5 grooves to hold the bits..
I guess this is called a rounds plane? Had one more to mill after this one. As long as I was following the grain, and not fighting it, seemed to work nicely. Made a bunch of saw cuts in another block...
Then removed the waste, and test fitted
Which also let me know where to cut the outside pieces at, and test fit them..
Then into the clamps..
Then, just to see how it will look, all loaded up..
I think that will do, for one evening. Wish now I'd modified that cutter at the start. This looks a bit better. Oh well. Still have Page #4 to build. Change out to the square edged cutters, and matched to the sizes of the remaining bits....then will see about a lid for this ...thing. ;)

James Pallas
10-24-2016, 9:24 PM
Nice going Steven. Those should work well. I guess you know that there are hollows and rounds for the 45. If you found them they would want both arms and both legs for them. Maybe with your luck you will find some in the bottom of a box for two bits or something close.

Jim Koepke
10-24-2016, 9:39 PM
Interesting bit holder, looking forward to the rest of the build.

The blade you made is more like the hollowing blade for a Stanley #55. Looks like you discovered feeding it a little for each cut is the way to make it work with the #45. The #29 & #29 cutters are odd balls not normally found with the plane, but like you said not likely to be used a lot.

There are fluting cutters and even cutters like you made available from broken sets of #55 cutters.

A lot of users make custom profile cutters from the #9 'fillister' 1-1/4" cutter.


steven c newman
10-25-2016, 2:34 PM
The page that will hold all the smaller bits will be grooved with just a square cutter,

What I am having a hard time Finding? Latches, similar to what R. Jennings used on their bit boxes. I even tried at Lee Valley.......nope. NADA. Not even at Hobby Lobby.....NADA. I doubt very much that a few brass Hook & Eyes would do the job, and even look right. I din't need the "Gold Plated " type , just about five simple Latches.

steven c newman
10-25-2016, 7:28 PM
Well...test fit showed I needed to excavate the underside of page #4, as that #20 bit was a bit too big. Got that done. Been fighting the benchdogs this entire project. They keep trying to lift back up out of the holes. Since I rarely throw out scraps that I think could be of use.....added a couple to the bench's top. Reset the cutter in the Stanley #45..
This time around, I will use the depth stops. First groove took awhile, due to clamping issues...
One piece of scrap into the bench top, the other was attached to the vise's jaw. Then I could clamp it up as needed. Test fit for the larger of the bits...
Had a small knot in the way. Second groove was a bit better...
Needed to add the cam rest again...
BecauseI had to move over a little more towards the center for #3. Had a knot in the way. Groove #4 was a matter of turning the blank around, and coming in from the other side....
That should be enough . Those short bits? They will go into a drawer in the tool box. I worked to get the outsides glued and nailed in place. Had to remake one end piece. Had some scrap the correct size. Then a few clamps, again..
As for "Page 3"? Oh, I have it hanging around..
Maybe when I find the latches, I can close the gaps up. Still need to glue up a lid of sorts. Stay tuned, things might get done before too much longer...

steven c newman
10-26-2016, 1:42 PM
Need to go and take the glue up out of the clamps today. I think I have enough Pine to glue up the lid. Trying to decide how fancy a lid I want to do. May add a "keeper" panel to the underside, to keep some things from rattling around. First, I'll need to joint two edges, for the glue up. Have gaps to fix on the box. Bottom "page" needs to rotate around, as it "points" the other way than the rest. And...that just might help the gaps to...leave.

VIX Bit to start holes for hinges.......mine is a bit too big, but, I can at least get the hole started where it needs to go. Small nail to finish the pilot hole.

Wondering IF I "dish out" that big flat spot, maybe store some items there? Add some foam to the bottom of the "dish"? like maybe a drawer liner?

This thing will NEED a way to carry it around.....type and location of handle(s)? This will get stacked up, with the rest of the wooden boxes......stay tuned.

steven c newman
10-26-2016, 6:33 PM
Page #4 is cleaned up, and resting where it will go..
The glue upin the end vise?
Is the glue up for the lid. The end vise adds a pair of hands to help out while I try to clamp things up. Will let it set a while, before I scrub it flat, and plane it smooth.....Need to clamp the entire box up, and adjust the gaps. That #20 bit seems to be a little too big.....

lowell holmes
10-26-2016, 7:09 PM
I got carried away because I stumbled across a depth stiop for auger bits and posted a gloat in the power tools and woodworking section.

Oh well, it has to do with a bit gage for my auger bits. I planned on posting the gloat here.

Maybe an administrator could move the post to here where it belongs.

steven c newman
10-27-2016, 7:45 PM
Back to box making?

Got the lid blank out of the clamps today.....needed to scrub things flat...
As one part was a bit thicker. So, I happen to have a Stanley #4c...
Working across the grain. Used the lower level as a start point. Once it was all the smae height..
I rotated the lid 90 degrees, and a Junior Jack plane to smooth things out. BTW: I also added two new dog holes, as the others were getting a bit worn out.
Looks a bit better. The two planes made a mess of the bench, though..
I had both faces to plane smooth. I also had one edge to clean up saw marks on. Slapped the lid onto the box...
I need to add a few more hinges. I will work at removing the gap-osis and shop for latches. May have it ready for the Witch's Brew finish before much longer...
May look around for a handle or two that I like, as well.

Jim Koepke
10-27-2016, 8:22 PM
Hi Steven, You might look here for latches:



Jim Koepke
10-27-2016, 8:50 PM
Ouch! I just looked at the price for those. $8.50 ea.


steven c newman
10-27-2016, 8:59 PM
Price is $8.50 for a bag of 10 pieces. About five sets to a bag. $8.50 for what I'd need for latches.......might be doable...

Thank you!

Glen Canaday
10-27-2016, 10:33 PM
I'll echo what Jim said, the 28 and 29 were special extra cutters...

I definitely also echo the fluting cutter thought. They came in enough sizes that you should be able to approximate the sizes of the bits within reason for your grooves, and that the grooves was a pretty good idea. The drilling of a deep hole straight in the end grain was kind of a long shot, yeah. Doable in side grain if a deep enough pilot is put into it on a drill press but nothing really trustworthy neander-way. At least, not with MY crappy skills ;)

My largest is a #18. I passed on a #20 I found at an estate sale since they wanted something like $30 for the handful taped together when all I wanted was that 20.

It looks like it's shaping up nicely. I await the finished box to see if it influences my gumption a little, haha!

steven c newman
10-28-2016, 4:52 PM
IF I ever do another one of these boxes...the Stanley 45 will get a lot of work.

Gap-osis between the pages. I clamped the box hinge side down ( after I had installed ALL the hinges) into the end vise. I started a handsaw in a gap, and sawed away the high spots that were causing the gaps. Added some "dust covers" on the ends of the lid..
Note also, I had drilled new dog holes. Center of the vise, and one in-line a ways into the bench. Others were getting a bit worn out. Might need bigger dogs (7/8"?)
I also sanded, and plane things smooth. Rounded some corners. Will order a bag of latches maybe this weekend. Tested out a finish of BLO/Varnish
Might be a little too light? Stay tuned....

steven c newman
10-29-2016, 12:54 PM
Used a plane to round over the front edges of the top lid..
Trying to blend that front corner away. Found the 100 grit sandpaper and sanded everything, inside and out..
Then got down the "Honey Jar" with the BLO/Varnish mix. Found an old brush..
The only place I didn't apply that SMELLY stuff was underneath the box. Everything, inside and out, got a first coat of the stuff.
Need to get the hinges to the shop....
Seems to need a few. Will let the stuff cure out today, might have to stand it up like a book later. Rub the first coat smooth, and then add the second one. Maybe soon, I can fill it back up with about 20+ bits?

steven c newman
10-30-2016, 11:58 AM
Added some hardware this morning..
The corner brackets needed a few pilot holes, first..
Then a #1 sized screwdriver to drive a few TINY screws....
As for that chain? I used a few hook & eyes. Had to cut and reform the hooks a bit. Got out the old "Rod-buster" pliers from my days of tying rebars. Reground one hook, as it shares an eyelet with the hook below it.
Have also sanded back the first coat, as it was a bit rougher than I liked. Will wander out today, and buy a new brush. Then I'll go with the redder Witch's Brew as a top coat. Outside only, leaving the insides a lighter colour.

David Eisenhauer
10-30-2016, 1:26 PM
I wonder how many folks think that using the "whirligig" gizmo to wrap iron with instead of using a good pair of long-handled Kliens with one handle bent into a crook and a wire reel?

steven c newman
10-30-2016, 1:40 PM
Have done it both ways....Still have the tools, wire...but someone else liked my reel better than I did...:mad:

Usually keep the wire and linesman pliers in the van, never know when they may be needed to repair something...while on the side of the roadway.