View Full Version : My John C. Campbell class - Show and Tell

John Keeton
10-20-2016, 12:59 PM
I thought some might be interested in seeing the really nice work that my students did in the Lidded Bowl class I taught last week at John C. Campbell Folk School. Great bunch of folks, and they really put forth some creativity and stepped outside their comfort zone. A couple of the folks had done a piece or two with a lid, more of a lidded box. But, none had turned a closed bowl and lid as an integral unit nor had they attempted knobs, which are much more difficult to do right than they appear.

We explored acrylic texturing, texturing with tools, dyes, and just had a bunch of fun. Long days, and after supper shop time, but I think all were pleased with the outcomes. I certainly was proud of all of them. My star student was a "young lady" in her mid 80s!! She was meticulous in her tool work, and while she had only been turning a couple of years, and had only done a few bowls, her work was exceptional. She said she was looking forward to improving her skills even more over the next few years. She was an inspiration!

Creeker Robert Henrickson was my Assistant Instructor, and Bob was a huge help to both me and the students.

These are phone pics that I have tweaked for contrast, so they are not the best. I took nearly everything in my shop....but, forgot the camera!

Ken Fitzgerald
10-20-2016, 1:19 PM
From a HF lathe to turn a couple table legs to a noteworthy artist to an inspirational instructor. "You've come far Pilgrim!"

Impressive collection by your students John!

Mark Greenbaum
10-20-2016, 1:29 PM
Beautiful work, there, John. You should be proud of your accomplishments as the instructor at such a fine establishment. I had the best week a few years ago with Charles Watson with a deep Hollowing class there. I cannot wait to go back. KUDOS, sir.

Keith Outten
10-20-2016, 1:51 PM

Those are some VERY nice projects. I wish you could teach me to turn like that in a week :)
Ken's right you have the magic touch to turn and to teach.

Ted Prinz
10-20-2016, 2:26 PM
I was thrilled to see your posting! Last Christmas LOML gave me a gift cert to the John C Campbell Folk School. I told her there was no way I'd go without her (she's a quilter) so next April we are scheduled to go - together. I'm scheduled to learn to make "presentation quality" platters. Hope they allow me to bring my 60 grit skew. Should be an interesting adventure.

John Keeton
10-20-2016, 2:27 PM
These folks were certainly not beginners, Keith, as they had all been turning for awhile - 2-7 years, off and on, doing some nice work, as well. But, this class was about form, proportion, lift and flow, detail, and more specifically turning the lid as an integral part of the overall form - a concept that I believe was new to all of them. The undercut rim of the closed bowl form was also new to most, if not all of them, and they excelled at that as they tried new tools, etc.

We talked about Fibonacci, smooth transitions, contrast in color, texture and finish, but the emphasis was always on achieving good overall form, while mastering the technique of turning the lid "with" the bowl.

I appreciate the comments on my teaching, but this was really more a result of a group of folks that dedicated themselves to an intensive week of achieving specific goals - all while having a lot of fun and fellowship! I think they left with a renewed interest and some new concepts I hope they will try with future projects. And, that really is the intended purpose of John C. Campbell Folk School. Ted, you will love your trip there!

And, Ken, it has been quite a journey since those table legs in late 2009! I have enjoyed it immensely, but I still wonder what I will do with all of that flat stock I have in the barn intended for the furniture that will now never get built!! Ms. Keeton says it will just make for a nice estate sale.:)

Sid Matheny
10-20-2016, 3:07 PM
Lucky folks to have such a great teacher.

Steve Mawson
10-20-2016, 5:14 PM
Great comments about your "young lady" turner, she is thinking ahead and that is great. Gives us all something to aspire to, me for sure. Sounds like a great class and lots of fun, perhaps someday???

Frederick Skelly
10-20-2016, 6:24 PM
That's some beautiful work. Thanks for showing us!

Allan Ferguson
10-20-2016, 6:52 PM
Really good looking turnings. It would be great to get to a class like that. Allan

Roger Chandler
10-20-2016, 8:30 PM
Very nice work, every piece. Super story, especially your "star student!" Counselor, you are having too much fun!

Steve Schlumpf
10-20-2016, 10:58 PM
You should be proud John - your students created some really beautiful work! Are you on the schedule for teaching there next year?

John Keeton
10-21-2016, 6:08 AM
Thanks, guys, for taking a look and commenting. The whole week was a lot of fun, though exhausting on my end. These folks were so gung ho they kept us hopping.

Steve, I teach two classes in January - Suspended Hollow Form (5-day) followed by a weekend class on ogee bowls with textured rims. Then, again next October for the lidded bowl class, though I am working on a curriculum for an offset platter class that I may substitute for one on the longer classes in the future. The schedule is set through next June, so any changes would be later than that.

Faust M. Ruggiero
10-21-2016, 11:37 AM
What a nice thing to pass your skills onto willing learners. As you know, my close friend took your class at JC last year. Thanks to you he has become a John Campbell School regular.

Bob Bergstrom
10-21-2016, 9:24 PM
Thanks, guys, for taking a look and commenting. The whole week was a lot of fun, though exhausting on my end. These folks were so gung ho they kept us hopping.

Steve, I teach two classes in January - Suspended Hollow Form (5-day) followed by a weekend class on ogee bowls with textured rims. Then, again next October for the lidded bowl class, though I am working on a curriculum for an offset platter class that I may substitute for one on the longer classes in the future. The scheduled is set through next June, so any changes would be later than that.

As a retired teacher and football coach I relate to your exhaustion, and also the feeling that you had when it all came together for your students. Obviously the students had to be very happy to been part of the journey. Thanks for sharing the pictures of their efforts.

Jay Mullins
10-21-2016, 11:46 PM
John, I love the lids on the bowls. I have not seen this style before. I think I'll try this sometime.


Dok Yager
10-26-2016, 7:23 PM
Outstanding John! Just some beautiful work and I`m certain all your students were proud. I have taught some classes on Hot Rods and building techniques. Usually tiring and exhausting. Great that you are passing on such a great skill and your "prize" pupil was an inspiration I would just bet. Thanks for sharing all that wonderful work.