View Full Version : alternative to cool blocks

roy knapp
10-03-2005, 7:44 PM
I was wearing out the cool blocks on the bandsaw and could not aford the ball bearing guides and thought about how tough the oak was.
Well i machined some oak to the size of the cool blocks and cut the to length
and put a squirt of oil on the ends and when it came out the other end i wiped them off and have been using them now for a year and have not refaced or changed them. (oak):) :)

Steve Stube
10-03-2005, 7:58 PM
Roy, I'm not surprised by your results as I have long been using the technique passed on to me by a woodworker friend in the early 70's. I use Maple blocks that are oil saturated by placing them in a simmering pan of motor oil for 30 minutes. They work fine for me.

lou sansone
10-03-2005, 8:13 PM
nice tip. I don't have a need to use cool blocks with my saw, but the idea is a neat one. thanks


Jack Hogoboom
10-03-2005, 8:22 PM
I have a set made of lignum vitae. I bought them from someone, but I can't remember who. Definitely better than the plastic blocks that came with my Jet.


George Summers
10-03-2005, 8:56 PM
The one big difference I do is to soak them overnight submerged in MINERAL OIL, not Petroleum based oil. After the soaking I nuke them for 30-45 seconds still submerged. Put 'em in a baggie and they will store for years.


Jim Becker
10-03-2005, 9:21 PM
End grain wood, such as oak, is a traditional bandsaw guide material.

john whittaker
10-04-2005, 11:49 AM
I have been to several trade shows where "old salts" were demonstrating band saws or BS blades etc...and have seen wooden blocks being used by these "professionals". I asked about the wooden blocks and got the same information as everyone states above. "Better & cheeper & quieter then store bought"

Joe Spear
10-04-2005, 3:41 PM
Mineral oil IS a petroleum-based oil. It's just highly refined and without all the additives they put in motor oil.

Bob Noles
10-04-2005, 8:31 PM
Hey Roy....

Nice tip! I was wondering what I was going to do when the factory stuff wore out.... now I know.

George Summers
10-04-2005, 8:52 PM
Mineral oil IS a petroleum-based oil. It's just highly refined and without all the additives they put in motor oil.

My Bad. I really never knew but guessed at the fact because I couldn't visualize taking a petroleum based product internally.
