View Full Version : Kids shop apron?

Bill Kearney
10-09-2016, 5:59 PM
I had an 8 year old that's taking an interest to working in the shop with me.

I've got a Festool apron that I'm happy with but it's way too tall for his 4'6" height.

But I've yet to find a source for a decent kids-sized shop apron. Something that's not just some costume or junk. I'm looking for one that hangs from the neck or shoulders, not just a waist belt.

I've already got him well trained with regard to shop safety. Always wears eye protection. Hearing protection goes on any time there's machinery active. I keep a bunch of extra safety glasses and ear protectors for any friends that might want to participate. Everyone knows where they're kept and put them on without prompting. Obviously he's not in there unaccompanied, and not using anything beyond his limits. This Dad's favorite saying has to be "quit that, I don't want to spend all afternoon at the hospital". Thus far it's working.

Any tips or suppliers?

Jim Becker
10-09-2016, 8:32 PM
Lee Valley has a canvas apron that comes in a smaller size...it might work for your need.



Lee Schierer
10-09-2016, 9:02 PM
Do a google search for art aprons. They make lots of different styles for school art classes. Here's a decent one. Art Apron (http://www.dickblick.com/products/childrens-art-aprons-ages-8-14/).

peter Joseph
10-10-2016, 12:43 AM
Lowes sells kids aprons. Decent quality as well. My sons is holding up well.