View Full Version : Unisaw Switch Problem

Robert Waddell
10-02-2005, 6:39 PM
I upgraded to a left tilt Unisaw this week. (small gloat) I have one problem with it and that is with the mounting of the magnetic switch box. I keep bumping into it with my leg and shutting it down in mid-cut. The obvious is to mount it some other way than what Delta
designed. I am curious to know what some of you have done to fix this situation. I've thought about mounting it to the cabinet or making a new bracket and mounting it on the right side. Your ideas are requested.

Jim Becker
10-02-2005, 7:22 PM
Moving it to a different position so it doesn't get interfered with during your normal work positioning is a good idea. But you need to insure it's still readily accessable by your hands should a problem develop that requires you to quickly shut off the saw, preferably without having to pass behind the blade. Pick your location carefully with that in mind.

BTW, nobody is going to believe you really have a new saw...can't see it! no pictures... ;)

Doug Jones from Oregon
10-02-2005, 7:32 PM
I have both a right tilt and left tilt unisaw and also have found that at the beginning, I was bumping the switch on the left tilt with my leg. After a few weeks of use, I actually have come to enjoy that location.

I frequently get to to cut full sheets of material by myself in the shop and have found it convenient when I get to the end of a 8 ft rip to be able to turn the saw off with my leg to stop the blade and then reaching over to retrieve the off fall. Yes, it means I'm turning my saw off more frequently but I'm finding it better than reaching over the spinning blade.

I would suggest that you work with it awhile before adapting to a different location.
