View Full Version : Air Cleaner Filters

Matt Meiser
10-01-2005, 10:12 AM
I needed a new prefilter for my Delta air cleaner and was going to have my wife stop at the local Delta dealer to pick them up this morning. On a whim, I decided to check if Grainger had something similar.

Comparing Amazon pricing to Grainger pricing, I found I can buy 5 prefilters ($4.87 ea) at Grainger for the price of 2 at Amazon. I also looked up the second filter. Grainger has them for $18 something compared to $48.99 at Amazon. I had previously gotten two second filters at Lowes on clearance for $10 each, so I shouldn't need them for a while.

Nothing against the Delta filters or my Delta dealer, but needless to say, I'll be buying my filters at Grainger.

Chris Barton
10-01-2005, 12:52 PM
Hi Matt,

I am not trying to top your post but, I have the Jet brand air cleaner and the replacement first stage filter is about $14 at Woodcraft and I found a perfect fit at Walmart for $3...

Jim Becker
10-01-2005, 12:53 PM
Consider the washable pre-filter for your system. Bigger cost up front...but no replacements necessary.