View Full Version : First WW project

Todd Mason-Darnell
09-26-2016, 5:10 PM

I thought I would share my first real wood working project (i.e. not something for the shop, not a refinishing project or something involving a nail gun).

The Wood Whisper recently post a video on boxes very similar to these. I realized "I could do that" and that it was time to blank or get off of the pot. So it was off to the local Woodcraft for some Spruce, Soft Maple and Walnut.

I have just done a BLO finish and still trying to decide if I will do final top coat (wipe on poly)

There are some difference between these the one the Wood Whisper did. I made some "improvements" to cover my mistakes.

I have to say that I did learn quite a bit on this small project, but I am also glad that none of you can see the boxes in detail or touch them.

Thanks for looking


Phil Mueller
09-26-2016, 6:42 PM
Well done Todd! The wood is beautiful and the joints look nice and tight. Trust me, we're our own worst critics and I've had my share of "improvements"! Thanks for sharing.

Bruce Page
09-26-2016, 9:02 PM
Nice job! I love the contrast of the different woods.

Frederick Skelly
09-26-2016, 10:25 PM
Nice job Todd!

Michael Handrinos
09-27-2016, 10:39 AM
I like them. The contrasting woods and the clean lines make these a winner. Well done. Keep up the good work

Yonak Hawkins
09-27-2016, 4:13 PM
Those are some very fine boxes and some beautiful sycamore.

♯ ♯ ♯ ♯

edit : Sorry, Todd. ..Didn't see you had identified the wood as soft maple.

Todd Mason-Darnell
09-27-2016, 7:03 PM
Thank you all for the positive feedback. I do have to say that they look better over time.

It may be awhile, however, before I try to use barrel hinges again.


Peter Follett
11-21-2016, 8:00 PM
I'm just about to start on boxes like those .... tell me about your experience with barrel hinges, please. I hope that mine can turn out as well as yours.

Todd Mason-Darnell
11-22-2016, 10:05 AM
I'm just about to start on boxes like those .... tell me about your experience with barrel hinges, please. I hope that mine can turn out as well as yours.

Thanks for the compliment.

I found a video (that I cannot re find now) on using a jig to drill the holes. Everyone is not joking about you not getting any second chances on drilling out the hole. If there are off even by a small amount then there is no easy way to correct them.

On the smaller box, I somehow got the registration of the location of the hole relative to the end of the piece on off by 7/32. As a result, the sides did not line up correctly. I solved this by trimming the length of the box on both ends.
I also had trouble with the depth of the hole for the barrel hinges, so I had play with the depth of the 45 degree relief cut on the hinge side of the boxes to get them to work correctly.

My newbie advice for the hinges, is that you need to sneak up on all of the cuts and holes. Drill/cut a little shallow, test the fit and adjust.

Good luck.

Al Launier
11-22-2016, 10:43 AM
Well done! You are off to a great start. You'll find that your skills develope quickly.

Peter Follett
11-22-2016, 3:59 PM
Thanks for the compliment.

I found a video (that I cannot re find now) on using a jig to drill the holes. Everyone is not joking about you not getting any second chances on drilling out the hole. If there are off even by a small amount then there is no easy way to correct them.

On the smaller box, I somehow got the registration of the location of the hole relative to the end of the piece on off by 7/32. As a result, the sides did not line up correctly. I solved this by trimming the length of the box on both ends.
I also had trouble with the depth of the hole for the barrel hinges, so I had play with the depth of the 45 degree relief cut on the hinge side of the boxes to get them to work correctly.

My newbie advice for the hinges, is that you need to sneak up on all of the cuts and holes. Drill/cut a little shallow, test the fit and adjust.

Good luck.Thanks for the tips, Todd. I have seen the WW video and have taken Marc's advice and will use a 5mm drill as well. Your help is much appreciated.