View Full Version : Wader's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
06-16-2003, 9:45 AM
Well....another weekend has come and gone..as well as another Father's Day.

No real shop time this weekend as the In-Laws were visiting from out of state and LOML had me a few things to do in the house....like hanging drapes, fixing beds and laundry.

Shoot...I can run almost everything around my house now!! :)

Best of weeks.!!!!!

Glenn Clabo
06-16-2003, 9:53 AM
In order for me to make room for a finishing room I want I built my lady a pantry. Put up a wall and door and built an oak ply with solid face pantry. A weekend to build...2 minutes to fill...never got to put a finish on it cus she wanted to get the stuff off the floor. Now I need to make some doors.

Bob Lasley
06-16-2003, 9:58 AM
SWMBO hooked me up to the lawn mower, edger and weedeater Saturday morning. Well, they are technically power tools, but...... All the kids and grandkids as well as some friends were here Saturday evening for our annual June birthday/Fathers Day get together. I did manage to get some shop time yesterday which I spent mostly cleaning up and piddling. Oh yeah, I did get to go to the toy store and pickup a Dewalt DW616D, D-handled router for my birthday/Fathers Day present (drive by gloat).

Have a great week all,

Dave Arbuckle
06-16-2003, 10:22 AM
Made what seems like a billion little wooden squares yesterday. Actually about 300 of them, just on the fat side of 1" square. They are going to make an abstract art piece that my daughter designed, for our living room.

My fingers are numb from all that crosscutting. ;)


Mike Schwing
06-16-2003, 10:50 AM
Hey Glen that looks GREAT!

Dave Anderson NH
06-16-2003, 11:24 AM
Up at 4:30AM Saturday morning to meet Roger Myers for a ride up to the Shelborne Museum in Shelborne VT for our annual guild trip. Thank goodness for radar detectors. Looked around the grounds at 3 antique 1750-1820 houses and their furniture. Took a few pics, and then got on to the meat of the tour, the hand tool collection. They have over 500 wooden hand planes and just about every type of hand tool used in the 18th and 19th centuries from cobblers tools to tinsmiths. Lots of stuff to see there including a 2 story house filled with duck and goose decoys from all over the country.

Sunday I spent most of the afternoon installing a firewall and Norton's suite of tools and antiviral software since I finally got DSL on Friday afternoon. I even managed a little shop time turning another Indian Rosewood handle for another awl and prepping the 3/16" diameter O1 tool steel which will be triangular in shape at the business end. Ended the day with Sue and I going out to dinner for Father's Day.

Bill Esposito
06-16-2003, 11:31 AM
I spent saturday installing an Incra TS-III for an upcoming product review and on sunday I spent an hour or so on my lathe and turned this with my bowl gouge (still awaiting my HF Crown set)

Now if I can figure out how to complete the base once I remove it from the face plate :)

<img src="http://cerealport.net/woodworking/chalice1.jpg">

Jim Becker
06-16-2003, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Bill Esposito
Now if I can figure out how to complete the base once I remove it from the face plate

Leave it on the faceplate and put something on your tailstock that is firm, but soft to support the piece while you part it off with a slightly angled cut into the center. SLow your speed down when you get the diameter of the leavings small enough to begin to lose strength. Leave a "smidgin" of wood there and cut if off with a sharp carving gouge. You can then sand the bottom and finish / sign as appropriate. There is no need to reverse this piece to part it off.

Jim Becker
06-16-2003, 11:42 AM
Saturday was productive in the shop as I got both the pantry cabinets and the "fabulous fake fireplace face frame" (say that three times fast...) primed and ready to finish. When the custom tinted Fuhr acrylic arrives this week from Jeff Jewitt, I can proceed to spray the pantry cabinets. Hopefully, I'll get the white PSL on the "FFF FF" some evening this week so I can have that completed and out of the shop...time to make more cabinets.

Sunday was not a productive day in the shop. I ended up with some tractor hydraulic maintenance, installing the tachometer and mowing the still-wet grass. I'm glad I have the habit of wearing safety glasses, even when working outside with the tractor as I managed to take a shower in the face of hydraulic oil while relieving the pressure that was keeping me from being able to mount the backhoe on the machine. (I needed to remove some bushes encroaching on the garden) Things like that happen SO fast! :D

Bill Esposito
06-16-2003, 1:15 PM
Originally posted by Jim Becker
Leave it on the faceplate and put something on your tailstock that is firm, but soft to support the piece while you part it off with a slightly angled cut into the center. SLow your speed down when you get the diameter of the leavings small enough to begin to lose strength. Leave a "smidgin" of wood there and cut if off with a sharp carving gouge. You can then sand the bottom and finish / sign as appropriate. There is no need to reverse this piece to part it off. Jim,

The screws will get in the way. I'll have to try to find some shorter/fatter screws first.

Jim Becker
06-16-2003, 1:26 PM
Originally posted by Bill Esposito
The screws will get in the way. I'll have to try to find some shorter/fatter screws first.

Understood. Be sure to mark both the piece and the faceplate so you can return it "exactly" to the same orientation for the closest match to centers. For screws, you should be fine with just shorter ones of the same size...your turning is now a lot lighter and your final cuts will be supported between centers which relieves a lot of the stress off the mounting while you are parting off. You're better off with the same size screws to help insure that the piece stays centered.

Dr. Zack Jennings
06-16-2003, 4:48 PM
Finished the front wall of my Courtyard, cleaned up all the mud, muck and gravel and trimmed trees.

Jim Becker
06-16-2003, 4:53 PM
Originally posted by Dr. Zack Jennings
Finished the front wall of my Courtyard, cleaned up all the mud, muck and gravel and trimmed trees.

That is still an extraordinary fence, Zack...we should all be so lucky to have one like it someday!

Scott Coffelt
06-16-2003, 5:15 PM
Recouping from being in THE TOWN OF LOST WAGES for most of last week. Spent time playing with the kids and running honey do's. Mostly outdoor yard stuff, with the exception of about 2 hours shop time to cut out the top and bottom plates for the cyclone blower. Now, just need to paint them and begin the assembly.

Weekends are just too short anymore, hoping to take this Friday off so I can get some well deserved quality shop time. But the way this week has started off, it looks like more of a pipe dream then reality.

Oh well, what doesn't get done today probably doesn't get done tomorrow either...

Noah Alkinburgh
06-16-2003, 8:26 PM
I dug some more for my patio...I am almost ready to start with the retaining wall.

I also started some hand cut half blind DT's we shall see how that goes....

And last but not least got the sides cut for the kid's sandbox.

It was a great weekend. :)


Jim Baker
06-16-2003, 10:33 PM
Not too much shop time for me this weekend. I spent the weekend with my son at a Civil War reenactment in Indiana. It was very well done and interesting.

I did get a coat of paint on my daughter's desk top when 3we returned Sunday evening.

Dan Bussiere
06-17-2003, 8:54 AM
Hey Glen, that shelf looks great. Judging from the stuff already on it, you made it not a moment too soon!

Bill the goblet looks nice. I have had my lathe for over a year and haven't turned much yet. Hope to do something that nice when I do.

Dennis, I also run things around my house...vacuum, dishwasher, etc.


Jay Kilpatrick
06-17-2003, 4:17 PM
Originally posted by Bill Esposito

Now if I can figure out how to complete the base once I remove it from the face plate :)

Use a friction chuck. In other words, after parting off, screw a scrap piece on the face plate (if there isn't enough left) and turn it down till the goblet friction fits to it. make sure to leave a shoulder on the scrap piece so it lines up true. Give it a spin, it works like a charm!