View Full Version : Is Grizzly Ad Misleading?

Jim Tabor
09-24-2016, 8:14 PM
Received this Grizzly ad for a 20% off weekend only sale on select items. Since I've been looking for a Dewalt 735 planer with roll around base I was all ready to place my order. Turns out the planer was not included in their sale. misleading?

Van Huskey
09-24-2016, 8:26 PM
I am used to many of the whole store percent off sales not covering certain items, with woodworking there is normally a disclaimer that it doesn;t cover machines (or any power tools <this usually doesn't apply across the board with Grizzly), Festool, Leigh etc. Now, if Woodcraft et al had a 20% off sale and put a Leigh jig in the copy I would expect it to be covered by the sale. Curious I haven't seen the ad which may have come and been deleted in email but do you need a code or something, I checked the Bessy parallel clamps and the PC 7518 router and neither looked to be on sale. My guess is the actual ad has a hot link followed by clicking the "view all items" button.

Ben Rivel
09-24-2016, 8:45 PM
I noticed that too. Got me to click the link to view all items.

Jim Becker
09-24-2016, 9:20 PM
If the sale is only on "select items" and/or there are any other disclaimers about some items not qualifying, no, it's not misleading. And since a DeWalt planer would be a 3rd party product not made by Grizzly, it would come as no surprise to me that it wouldn't qualify for that level of discount..the margins are not likely there.

Jim Tabor
09-24-2016, 9:37 PM
What seems to be misleading to me is showing a picture of a DeWalt planer and cart when its not included in the sale, for what purpose other then to bait you into looking at the ad? I'm not trying to bash Grizzly, I have bought more Grizzly equipment than any one person should be allowed too, and I liked it all. I'm just disappointed that a company I like and respect would put out what could be considered a "bait and switch" ad.

Dan Grebinski
09-24-2016, 9:56 PM
That's more than misleading. I'm not a Consumer Affairs Lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that is illegal by California statutes, not sure about your state. The ad you listed shows the items picture and claims 20% off. It's possible it was inadvertently left out of the sale items, but I'd call and check. If not, then complain about false advertising, or bait and switch tactics if they had a lesser model in their sale. Doesn't hurt to drop the phrases "local District Attorney" and "complaint" in the conversation either. Good luck.

David Helm
09-24-2016, 10:59 PM
Just took a look at the add. Definitely a Dewalt Planer on the face of the add. Click to go inside and the planer was nowhere to be seen. I am surprised by this because I have a lot of respect for Grizzly. I go in the showroom to buy things regularly. My guess is that a mistake was made by the copy writer/image person. I think it would be worth contacting them to find out. Incidentally, these weekend sales are online only since the store is closed Saturday and Sunday.

Steve Peterson
09-25-2016, 12:12 AM
Yes, the ad is a bit misleading, considering that they are showing a Dewalt planer in the ad. I have never been disappointed in Grizzly customer service though. A phone call might do wonders.


Van Huskey
09-25-2016, 1:19 AM
The second look leads me into the 100% misleading camp, there is no delineation between the pictures of the specific items and the notice of sale. The are no caveats and the hotlink is to view ALL items, I think a reasonable person even one familiar with items being restricted by companies from being advertised below MSRP would expect the items pictured to be part of the sale. That said I have no indication it was deliberate, it isn't like Grizzly is known for hiring one of the big 4 ad agencies to produce their copy. Likely someone that just got happy with cut and paste pictures. Even if an agent from Grizzly came here and said they did it on purpose what does someone lose? Sixty seconds of anticipation of getting a good deal? I would be significantly more miffed if it was a print ad in pre-internet/pre mail order days and I got in the car and drove half a day to buy an item only to discover the pictured items weren't for sale. Does anyone remember the Rockler Black Friday sale 4-5 years ago when they advertised the PM209 20" jointer for 999.99 when it should have been 1999.99? Dozens if not hundreds of people on various forums (including myself) ordered one and we got a call that Monday saying it was a mistake. Very few if anyone actually got angry since we "all" knew it was a mistake but you never know if they might honor it. In this case the actual aggrieved (the OP) has the right to call and attempt to get a resolution. While I doubt anything would come of it as a business person I would give the discount because it would be worth it to me to know of the situation so I could send a follow up email explaning the error to hopefully alert people that it was indeed a mistake and prevents dozens (or hundreds) of my cutomers from silently boycotting my business over a simple error of myself or my employees.

In the end no big deal in my book, but if it grinds the OP's gears, which I think it is fair if it does, I would make the phone call and give them the chance to respond vs the alternative.

Rich Engelhardt
09-25-2016, 7:38 AM
Misleading ---even though I think misleading is a bit on the kind side....

If this was any other out fit - other than Grizzly, I'd have to say outright dishonest.

("Papa" Griz doesn't strike me as the type that would jerk people's chains like that - I'm thinking it was more of a screwup of the ad copy staff not knowing one tool from another & just thinking DeWalt was a nice pretty yellow color for the ad))

tom goede
09-25-2016, 7:47 AM
Received this Grizzly ad for a 20% off weekend only sale on select items. Since I've been looking for a Dewalt 735 planer with roll around base I was all ready to place my order. Turns out the planer was not included in their sale. misleading?

I received the same and YES it absolutely is!
I guess I was a bit surprised as Dewalt tools are not deeply discounted.

John K Jordan
09-25-2016, 8:15 AM
Received this Grizzly ad for a 20% off weekend only sale on select items. Since I've been looking for a Dewalt 735 planer with roll around base I was all ready to place my order. Turns out the planer was not included in their sale. misleading?

Jim, You might do Grizzly and all customers a favor by sending the image of the ad and your findings to the Grizzly corporate office. If you politely report that this was discussed on major woodworking forum and that others also considered this to be misleading, accidentally or otherwise, it will get their attention and they will likely make changes in the future so it doesn't happen again. You could link to this thread or simply report the number of people who have viewed this already. If 2 or 20 other people also reported this it would be better.

I have had positive experiences in the past in making the management of big companies aware of a problem or error. I have an interesting story about Honda that ended well. Who knows, they may even extend the sale for you and include the planer.

It takes a bit of research to find out who exactly to send the letter to. A real letter, on paper, sent in an envelope with a stamp gets a lot more attention than an email these days.


Erik Loza
09-25-2016, 8:39 AM
No opinion but I want to float this out there in defense of Grizzly. The person or team who came up with the graphics for that ad, I can say with 99.9999% certainty, has no idea what a DeWalt planer, or let alone any kind of planer is. Since I have worked with people who do digital marketing, the typical thing is that someone in the marketing division says to someone in the ad division, "We're doing this promo. Find some stock photos of this or that product to use.", and that's how you get what you see there.

When SCM Group started their Classical/Minimax Facebook page, despite the fact that there was PLENTY of content available specific to MM, there were photos of Sawstops (technically, a competitor in the US) and other machines that had nothing to do with Minimax or even the sector of the market MM sells to. Now, we (the US team) talked to the marketing guy in Italy and sort of explained it and to their credit, he realized what the issue was and their feed has improved but point being, you have machine experts and and you have marketing/design experts and often, never the two shall meet. So, I personally wouldn't roast Grizzly over the coals on it but would agree (and would point it out if someone was listening): It looks unprofessional. Just my 2-cents.


Rich Engelhardt
09-25-2016, 9:03 AM
So, I personally wouldn't roast Grizzly over the coals on it but would agree (and would point it out if someone was listening): It looks unprofessional. Just my 2-cents.
Be that as it may.....
Someone at Grizzly had to give the ok for that ad to go out....

The finger of blame can be pointed at marketing all day long, but, when it's all said and done, someone in the know has to ok the ad.

Carroll Courtney
09-25-2016, 9:13 AM
Goes to show ya that you have to read the ad very closely again and again.Misleading then plant an ideal into your head at the same time what the item can be used for,sellers on ebay does this all the time showing several pieces than in the print (if you read) only one is in the sell.READ,READ,READ the ad several times.Experience at falling for those ads----Carroll

Jim Becker
09-25-2016, 9:35 AM
What seems to be misleading to me is showing a picture of a DeWalt planer and cart when its not included in the sale...
I didn't actually notice the Dewalt planer in the ad photo...I didn't look that close. So you make a good point. Were it me developing the ad, I wouldn't put a photo of something not included in the promotion.

Tom Giles
09-25-2016, 10:33 AM
Every ad we see is in some way is misleading.

Rich Riddle
09-25-2016, 10:59 AM
Yes, the ad is a bit misleading, considering that they are showing a Dewalt planer in the ad. I have never been disappointed in Grizzly customer service though. A phone call might do wonders.

I have exactly the same experiences and did notice the DeWalt planer in the advertisement. I doubt the people who developed the advertisement had any idea of the tools covered under the exclusions. Someone should have picked it up though. They have top notch customer service.

Jerome Stanek
09-25-2016, 11:04 AM
I worked in printing doing a lot of ads for large companies. If they showed a product they had better have it in stock or offer a better one. The ad shows a DeWalt planer so that would fall into this category. We had one customer that put a picture in there ad and it wasn't on sale like the claimed all items that were on sale for 15% off. They ended up having to eat about $70,000 worth of product. There were a few states that forced them to sell the product at the reduced price. Best Buy had a stereo that was priced wrong in their add and I ended up getting it for that price but there was another person that didn'tpush it and had to pay the full price.

Mike Wilkins
09-25-2016, 11:08 AM
I used to work in a big box home improvement store similar to the local blue or orange guys. They always put items in their ads that were not always available in the store, much to the frustration of customers and sometimes me. I think these guys just put tools in their ads just to get folks to either come into the store, or in this case, click on their ads. They are hoping you will find something to purchase anyway.

mike holden
09-25-2016, 11:20 AM
"ad misleading" Isn't that redundant?

Lou Ortiz
09-25-2016, 11:24 AM
Received this Grizzly ad for a 20% off weekend only sale on select items. Since I've been looking for a Dewalt 735 planer with roll around base I was all ready to place my order. Turns out the planer was not included in their sale. misleading?

Absolutely misleading and there's no real excuse for it - pretty basic consumer protection issue. Whether or not this was packaged by a third-party firm or in-house, they have to take ownership; i've looked at a couple of grizzly machines on occasion, but this is the sort of used car approach that would steer me away from buying there. I appreciate sales, but appreciate straight dealing more.

Mike Goetzke
09-25-2016, 11:38 AM
Received this Grizzly ad for a 20% off weekend only sale on select items. Since I've been looking for a Dewalt 735 planer with roll around base I was all ready to place my order. Turns out the planer was not included in their sale. misleading?

It's actually a few dollars cheaper at Amazon LINK (https://www.amazon.com/DEWALT-DW735X-Two-Speed-Planer-Package/dp/B01F66V0XS/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1474817710&sr=1-1&keywords=dewalt%2Bplaner&th=1)Y .

David Kumm
09-25-2016, 11:53 AM
Totally misleading but do we really think we should get something for less because of a mistake? Seems tacky on both sides. Dave

Marc Burt
09-25-2016, 3:09 PM
I agree its misleading. It's because of ads like this that I have become a cynic with regard to such things. I disregard sales because I don't think we're often getting a deal. Those woodcraft sales they put out are a waste of paper/bandwidth. They exclude everything in the store besides the left half of the cardboard tube the toilet paper comes on. And even that's only for the women's room; the men's room roll is excluded from the sale as well.

Misleading definitely, but a said reflection of the times in which we live IMO.

Art Mann
09-25-2016, 4:07 PM
When Woodcraft posts an ad that says Laguna products are 15% off, the price is 15% less than the normal advertised price. I know because I bought a band saw that way. Your choice of Woodcraft as an example isn't a very good one.

glenn bradley
09-25-2016, 4:20 PM
The inclusion of a picture of an item that is not part of the sale is unfortunate but, probably more the art dept. boo-boo than a purposeful mislead ;-)

Jerome Stanek
09-25-2016, 5:19 PM
The inclusion of a picture of an item that is not part of the sale is unfortunate but, probably more the art dept. boo-boo than a purposeful mislead ;-)

When we printed the ads submit proofs to the company for approval from both management and ad people. If it shows in the ad it is on sale period not a bait and switch which is illegal

Ray Newman
09-25-2016, 6:13 PM
When I see and read ads, I always think caveat emptor and look for the fine print....

John McClanahan
09-25-2016, 10:41 PM
I would saw this was just a mistake and not a bait and switch.

On the other hand, Harbor Freight Tools has the "not valid with any other discounts" (no 20% off coupon) disclaimer of their ads in tiny tiny print that few people can read all the time, right along side of the 20% coupon.

rudy de haas
09-26-2016, 2:36 PM
No opinion but I want to float this out there in defense of Grizzly. The person or team who came up with the graphics for that ad, I can say with 99.9999% certainty, has no idea what a DeWalt planer, or let alone any kind of planer is. Since I have worked with people who do digital marketing, the typical thing is that someone in the marketing division says to someone in the ad division, "We're doing this promo. Find some stock photos of this or that product to use.", and that's how you get what you see there.


I was about to write that, when I found you already had. Remember the Microsoft Windows ads that featured Macs? Same thing.

rudy de haas
09-26-2016, 2:38 PM
The ad you mention looks like a mistake - but grizzly's Amazon ad for the G0675 planer/jointer still (after nearly 2 years) says it is made in the U.S. It isn't - and that is a genuine, inexcusable, case of mis-leading advertising.

Bob Bouis
09-26-2016, 3:15 PM
One nice thing you can say about Grizzly is that Mr. Grizzly doesn't seem reluctant to hold his employees to account when they screw up.

Jim Tabor
09-26-2016, 4:43 PM
I received an email today from Grizzly customer service apologizing for the ad and any inconvenience it may have caused, they also said they will try to make sure it doesn't happen again. As far as I'm concerned the issue is closed, and I will of course continue to buy more than I should from Grizzly.

Martin Wasner
09-27-2016, 8:23 AM
I'm guessing all this is a misinterpretation.

One of the many things I have learned from this site is that everything I previously thought about Grizzly is completely incorrect. Grizzly builds the finest woodworking equipment the human race has ever seen and ever will see. We are truly living in a golden age, one that future generations will look back at with admiration and respect. I assume their advertising is much the same. If you think their business practices are morally unjust, or a perversion of honesty, my guess is your stance is unfounded and incorrect as mine once was. Grizzly is the Chuck Norris of equipment. Grizzly equipment doesn't process wood, the wood jumps out of the way in fear.

rudy de haas
09-27-2016, 9:41 AM
Does Grizzly make/design anything? I just thought they imported what Asian factories have to offer same as Jet, PM, Delta, Steel City, HF, etc. Does Grizzly employ engineers to design tools in Asia? I am asking because I didn't think they did but I could be wrong because I was not in the tool world like you were. I know some American companies take their mfg. to Asia to reduce costs but figured most everybody on my list were importers.


I believe so. When I was reviewing some of their products (planer, jointer, Table saw, bandsaw) I found that (a) they were trying to improve quality and supply stability by moving as much mfg as financially possible to Taiwan; and (b) that they do design some tools in toto but more generally focus on quality engineering - i.e. specifying particular parts, materials, or processes where others just use generics.

So I've said before they seem to have good direction, value-for-money products, and good service, but terribly weak middle management.

Van Huskey
09-27-2016, 9:52 AM
Does Grizzly make/design anything? I just thought they imported what Asian factories have to offer same as Jet, PM, Delta, Steel City, HF, etc. Does Grizzly employ engineers to design tools in Asia? I am asking because I didn't think they did but I could be wrong because I was not in the tool world like you were. I know some American companies take their mfg. to Asia to reduce costs but figured most everybody on my list were importers.


That is an intersting question. I will say you can't lump all of those companies together. Delta and Jet have some unique machines and most everything PM has released in the last 10 years has be unique to them. There 4 big bandsaws, 3 cabinet saws, their drill press and lathes are unique and if you accept PM's word were designed by them.

Jim Tabor
09-27-2016, 10:06 AM
I never thought Grizzly made/sold the best equipment known to man, or that they are saints. I have bought a lot of their woodworking equipment over the years and never had an issue with any of it. It always performed as expected and had the quality I expected for the price. I was just unhappy with the misleading ad I received.
Or did I misunderstand your post? Sorry if I did. Jim

Biff Phillips
09-27-2016, 11:19 AM
If the sale is only on "select items" and/or there are any other disclaimers about some items not qualifying, no, it's not misleading. And since a DeWalt planer would be a 3rd party product not made by Grizzly, it would come as no surprise to me that it wouldn't qualify for that level of discount..the margins are not likely there.

It is misleading when the flyer shows a product on the front page that is not on sale.
The front cover should show a sampling of the select items that are on sale.