View Full Version : Latest Bandsaw Box

Chuck Hayes
09-30-2005, 2:47 PM
Bobby's question about the new craftsman bandsaw reminded me that I have a picture to post. This is a box I made for LOML for her birthday a few days ago. She liked the box more than the necklace that was in it (That she picked out).


Thanks for looking.


Vaughn McMillan
09-30-2005, 3:00 PM
That's very nice, Chuck. I like the "stand" the box is sitting in. What woods and finish did you use? Great job.

- Vaughn

Chuck Hayes
09-30-2005, 3:25 PM

Thanks for the nice comments.

The outside of the heart is hard maple, the inside is cherry. The finish is shellac over blo on both. the stand is Mahogany with hard maple, shellac only finish. I plan on redoing the stand in cherry as I think it will look nicer with the matching wood.

Dan Forman
09-30-2005, 3:53 PM
She liked the box more than the necklace that was in it (That she picked out). Chuck

That's a good sign! Lovely box and stand.


John Bailey
09-30-2005, 4:25 PM
My oh my - that's some serious browny points with that box!! Very nice.


Corey Hallagan
09-30-2005, 4:57 PM
That is very nice Chuck. I like the design very much. Did you say you used the new Craftsman 10inch bandsaw to do this? Have you done resawing with it as well up to it,s limit? Intriqued!
Thanks and again, great looking box, I can see why the wife loved it.

I read your post again. What a great price for a little band saw if you can make stuff like that and resaw up to 4 inches. I am interested in this saw for sure! I don't need a big saw and don't have the room. Will come in handy for clock and box making.

Chuck Hayes
09-30-2005, 5:14 PM

I am happy with the 10" sears overall. The dust collection is my biggest concern, need to do something about that. This is my first bandsaw (Actually never thought I would own one), but now I am hooked and actually want a bigger saw (Don't we all). I had to make a resaw fence out of some scrap wood and a thumb screw that fits over the stock fence. This is not the best aproach, but it works for the time being.


Jim Becker
09-30-2005, 5:39 PM
How appropriate! I really like that one...and as I've been thinking about trying some band saw boxes, I might have to steal a little from this one sometime... ;)