View Full Version : A good fathers day - w/PICS

Wayne Cease
06-15-2003, 9:50 PM
We had fresh donuts in the morning, hit some golf balls at the range with my wife and our youngest, then swam with the kids, watched some US Open golf, turned the bowl below, eat out and caught the end of the US Open. Pretty good day.

<A HREF="http://webwareinc.com/wayne/woodworking/pictures/Bowl3_Top_20030615.jpg"><IMG SRC="http://webwareinc.com/wayne/woodworking/pictures/Bowl3_Top_20030615.jpg" HEIGHT=320 WIDTH=240></A>

<A HREF="http://webwareinc.com/wayne/woodworking/pictures/Bowl3_Side1_20030615.jpg"><IMG SRC="http://webwareinc.com/wayne/woodworking/pictures/Bowl3_Side1_20030615.jpg" HEIGHT=320 WIDTH=240></A>

<A HREF="http://webwareinc.com/wayne/woodworking/pictures/Bowl3_Side2_20030615.jpg"><IMG SRC="http://webwareinc.com/wayne/woodworking/pictures/Bowl3_Side2_20030615.jpg" HEIGHT=320 WIDTH=240></A>

Click on the images to see a larger version.

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-15-2003, 9:56 PM
Sounds like you had the BEST Fathers day Wayne! Don't get much better than Golf, Good Eats, Family Time and Woodworking. Fantastic looking bowl you turned............the wood choice and shape are beautiful. VERY NICE INDEED! Thanks for sharing the photo, and congratulations on a great Fathers Day............Mine was the best too! :D

Jason Roehl
06-16-2003, 8:56 AM
I'm glad somebody made up for mine. That makes me feel better in and of itself. Great looking bowl and it sounds like you had a FULL day of fun activities!