View Full Version : Highly anticipated turning demo

Roger Chandler
09-09-2016, 1:48 PM
I am finally getting an opportunity to see a demo by renowned turner/artist Derek Weidman. He is going to be at two clubs here in Virginia next week, including Central Virginia Woodturners, of which I am a member.

I have wished at times I could look over his shoulder, so to speak, as he makes his artistic marvels at the lathe, sculpting by using multi-axis turning techniques, and witness what this turning genius does as he creates his masterpieces. Now I have my opportunity! :) In case you have never seen his work......marvel at the artistry at the lathe!


Alan Heffernan
09-09-2016, 1:53 PM
Jealous, love great demos like you are anticipating. Hope it lasts long and is as good and informative as you hope!

Scott Hackler
09-09-2016, 2:39 PM
He does a fantastic demo. Super fun to watch and listen to him to try to understand his creative process.

Shawn Pachlhofer
09-09-2016, 4:40 PM
if he takes requests from the audience on something to turn...ask for an armadillo.

Robert Henrickson
09-09-2016, 5:13 PM
I attended all (six?) of Derek's rotations at the OVWG symposium last October. It was fascinating! It's amazing what can be done on a lathe -- especially when he is doing it. As a result, I took his week-long class at Arrowmont last month. That was an eye-opening experience well beyond watching him do demos. I really enjoyed the week and learned a tremendous amount. He's a great teacher. I'll never look at turning, particularly multiaxis turning, the same way again. I finished the week with several pieces completed (animal heads). I intend to continue exploring, building on what I learned. It's a whole new world.

Doug Ladendorf
09-09-2016, 6:53 PM
He does fun stuff. I had to go to a couple of his sessions at Totally Turning, and he will be at the Lancaster symposium coming up. He is a member of my club but it's been a while since he demoed for us.

Roger Chandler
09-13-2016, 10:52 PM
Saw Derek Weidman tonight.....he turned a Rhino head. His thought processes are a marvel to watch as he employs them visibly as he uses multi-axis techniques on the lathe. He is also a really nice young man...I enjoyed our conversation together. I would encourage any turner to take advantage if an opportunity presents itself to see him demo.