View Full Version : Garage sale loot Stanley 246 mitre box with S.D. Atkins 25" saw?

rudy de haas
09-04-2016, 12:37 PM
We were at a garage sale yesterday with the usual misc junk - but off to the side I found a Stanley 246 Mitre saw in apparently good working order with what looks and feels like a high quality hand saw made for Stanley tools by Shurly Dietrich Atkins. I rescued it for next to nothing because someone has obviously used it with care and for a long time - but now wonder what I should do with it. Any advice?

John Vernier
09-04-2016, 12:48 PM
I have an older one of these and I find it useful and accurate. Not as fast as a chop saw but more precise if you keep the blade sharp, which is an art in itself of course. Plus it's quiet. These were a hot commodity a few years ago but prices have settled down on the auction site as there are a lot of old miter boxes around. I'd say use it for a while before you decide to sell it on.

Carroll Courtney
09-04-2016, 2:24 PM
Those work perfect for those small pieces of trim that maybe you need to take off 1/16 and no chips.I use to know a guy who use a saw like that to trim out cabinet doors cutting tons of cabinet lip moulding.

Mike Wilkins
09-06-2016, 10:02 PM
Ideal for use when you do not have access to electricity. I have one ready for a restoration whenever the time allows.