View Full Version : Finishing question for those on the other side of the Atlantic

Steve Evans
09-28-2005, 4:43 PM
I have an exterior mahogany door to finish. The Hungarian fellow who built it swears by a product called Sadolin's. Apparently that's all that he used on his doors in Hungary and he has his own private stash, They used to make it here in Canada, but no longer. I'm trying to find out some info about this product that makes it such a good exterior finish. As well I'd like to find out if there is a comparable finish that I could locate locally.

Thanking any and all who reply


Cecil Arnold
09-28-2005, 6:50 PM
Steve, thy a google search, you mayhave to find a Hungarian translation program too.

Steve Schoene
09-29-2005, 12:02 AM
I presume you are looking for a clear finish since the wood is mahogany. (Though I can't think of a better wood for exterior doors, painted or not.) If so, the combination of epoxy sealer coats, using a low viscosity epoxy, covered by numerous coats of high quality marine spar varnish is a good system. (See a recent FWW magazine for details.) Marine spar varnish is not found at paint stores or the Borgs. It comes from marina supply stores, and costs more than $20 per QUART. Perhaps the best is by Epifanes, with other good ones coming from Interlux, Pettitt, or perhaps Woolsey. The varnish is NEEDED to protect the epoxy from UV which would otherwise break down the finish quickly.

John Hemenway
09-29-2005, 2:47 PM
Have you seen http://www.sadolin.co.uk/homeowner/index.php ?
Is this the stuff?

Steve Evans
09-29-2005, 4:25 PM

That's the company, but I can't determine if their outdoor product is the same as what this fellow was showing me. The packaging and name is definitely different. Judging by the web site, I don't think that product is much different than a Sikkens product, but it's always hard to tell from marketing literature.


I read the article that you mentioned, and originally that was the way that I was leaning, until the door builder described this other product in such glowing terms, that I became intrigued by it. I just want to make sure that it's not something that we already have available under a different name.
