View Full Version : problems with z-axis control

Bobby Orr
08-27-2016, 10:36 AM
I have a gecko G540 (http://www.sears.com/search=g540) - everything was fine, then during a project run, it just flipped out. i stopped it, I have a planet CNC USB controller Mk3/4 (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-Ford-Cortina-MK3-4-5-Manual-Steering-Rack-/301870194460?hash=item4648dd9f1c:g:xyAAAOSwqu9VHnv 9) hooked to it, no matter if I move it manually or via software the z-axis will go in the right direction at first but then starts going the wrong way and is very sporadic. I have unplugged everything many times.

I have taken the gecko g50x from the 4th axis and moved it to the Z-axis, - same
I have tried x & Y in the z axis port - they work properly
I have tired the z into the X & Y - tries to move not properly
I have a new motor - same end result
I have a new wire - same end result

any other ideas? I am not sure what else to try?


stan kern
08-28-2016, 10:53 AM
check the terminal blocks ,the multi connector ..mine had to be replaced ,they seem to act up after a few years (drive connector)

Bobby Orr
08-29-2016, 11:59 AM
thanks, that was my last thing to try