View Full Version : Bad things happen if you leave a Burl on a bandsaw...

David Bechtol
08-21-2016, 7:16 PM

My Laguna 1412 was a week old and I tested it out by cutting a large burl in half. I left half of it on the saw table overnight and this is what I found the next day... A little naval jelly cleaned it up but I was very worried..

Frederick Skelly
08-21-2016, 8:02 PM
Gulp. :eek:
Sure am glad that cleaned up for you.

Tom Wilson66
08-21-2016, 8:37 PM
I left some wet oak on my table saw bed overnight and had much the same thing happen. Now I keep a piece of masonite on the saw table to protect it, and don't put undried wood on any of my cast iron table tops.

Peter Dougenik
08-21-2016, 8:49 PM
ouch, good thing you went into the shop the next day! I keep a good coat of paste wax on all my cast iron surfaces. easy to apply and cheap. maybe not as good as all that specialized stuff but it does the job for me.

Sid Matheny
08-21-2016, 9:24 PM
Several years ago I closed my shop door while a couple of birds were in there unknowing to me. The next day I had poop on most every cant iron table and rust about 10 time the size of the poop. Funny thing I didn't see much on the floor???:o After that it was Johnson wax on all the tables and been doing it ever since.

Steve Doerr
08-21-2016, 11:57 PM
Welcome to the club David. You weren't the first to do that nor will you be the last. Glad it cleaned up for ya.

Thomas Canfield
08-22-2016, 2:21 PM
Steve said it well. I have also learned about green wood shavings the flew over my shower curtains to areas undetected and left their marks. Some of the hazard of green wood.