View Full Version : A knotty problem

Dan Forman
09-28-2005, 7:04 AM
I am finishing up a shop table made of pine, which has a number of knots in it. I have heard folks comment about treating knots with shellac to keep them from coming loose. I plan on using shellac as a finish, am wondering what pound cut to use for the knots, whether to do that prior or after the finishing, and any general info that would be helpful. Thanks.


Roger Wilson
09-28-2005, 10:22 AM
David Marks (DIY Woodworks show) approach is to soak the knot with CA glue, sand flat then use epoxy (colored if you please) to fill any larger holes. Sand flat again.

Byron Trantham
09-28-2005, 10:45 AM
Dan, shellac won't "glue" the knot in place. I will isolate any pitch from "bleeding through" to the top coat(s). Using the CA glue or epoxy to hold it in place is good advice. :D

Dan Forman
09-28-2005, 4:09 PM
Thanks for the info, I guess where I saw it mentioed before was in a thread about having to repaint something, so that makes sense. None of these are threatening the stability of the table, so I guess I'll leave them alone, having already handplaned all of the exposed surfaces smooth, don't want to mess with that again.


Michael Ballent
09-28-2005, 4:42 PM
...None of these are threatening the stability of the table, so I guess I'll leave them alone, having already handplaned all of the exposed surfaces smooth, don't want to mess with that again.


Dan, you should mess with them and then look at it as opportunity to get some more exercise ;) practice sharpening the plane :p ;)

Dan Forman
09-28-2005, 9:41 PM
Some people apparently have entirely too much time on their hands. :D
