View Full Version : Well, Harry?

Carole Valentine
09-27-2005, 1:52 PM
Has the new DVR arrived yet?:D

Rich Stewart
09-27-2005, 2:34 PM
Your machine arrived yet Carole? Better get after it. I wanna see your first thing. haha

Harry Pye
09-27-2005, 2:43 PM
Hi Carole,

As far as I know it is in the Norristown, PA terminal of the shipper. They called yesterday to give me a heads-up and to confirm that I will pick it up. Today has turned in to somewhat of a nightmare. I had to go to a funeral this morning about an hour away. On the way back I took the time to drive through the old neighborhood where I grew up. Tonight is our turning club, Lehigh Valley Woodturners, meeting. Again about an hour away and also starting early.

So, I will pick up the lathe tomorrow. The shipping guy said they would help me get it on the truck but I'm not sure how I'll get it off. Hopefully, it comes in several pieces. However, any Creekers in the area are welcome to stop over and help me unload! LOL :)

I did some reorganizing of the 'shop' to make room. Have the wood for the bench. (WOW are lumber prices high. Glad we can turn with 'found' wood.) So with some luck, tomorrow will be the big day though it may take another day to get everything organized.

Carol, please let us know how you make out.

Carole Valentine
09-27-2005, 8:21 PM
:( Sorry about your lousy day. No day that includes a funeral is good. My lathe is being delivered tomorrow afternoon. I have a buddy that is going to help me set it up. Going to use a block and tackle so it should be fairly easy. I think you can remove the headstock, which is the heaviest part, if you have to but it would be best if someone could help you. Don't think I am going to like that steel stand i bought, but I bought it with the notion that it might be temporary. It probably cost less than the lumber you had to buy! LOL I planed some white oak today to use for a shelf in the steel stand and in constructing a wooden stand. I have some big white oak beams (8'x10"x4") that I will use as well, but I will have to have help dimensioning those. They weigh a ton! I can't even lift one. I have in mind a trestle type stand with hollow legs that can be filled with ballast. I am thinking the bed will be two heavy oak rails (so shavings fall through.) I will use the steel one for a while to give myself time to figure out what I want. Today is the firat time my planer and jointer have been used in ages! They were very happy! LOL

Joe Mioux
09-27-2005, 8:43 PM
No day that includes a funeral is good.

Except for the funeral home, vault company and the florist.....

Besides THAT!

Carole, I hope you are up and turning really soon. It seems you have found a niche in turning rather than the broader themed "woodworking". Good for you. Your enthusiasm is contagious!


Jim Becker
09-27-2005, 10:31 PM
Except for the funeral home, vault company and the florist.....

You forgot the caterer, Joe... ;)

Seriously, congrats to both Carole and Harry on the new lathes!!

Carole Valentine
09-28-2005, 1:28 PM
I'm still waiting! I hate it when a delivery service won't give you a time window more specific than "between 9 and 6" :(

Harry Pye
09-28-2005, 1:31 PM
Went to the shipper's terminal this morning and one of their people but the lathe and the skid on the back of my little pickup. The box is barely bigger than the lathe but it is heavy!

Cut the box off and removed a smaller box that contains handles, centers and stuff. (I honestly haven't figured out what some of it is! Fairly easy to remove the tailstock and tool rest. That gets rid of quite a few pounds. The tailstock is a solid casting.

Note to Carole: I didn't find an easy way to remove the headstock, so it stayed with the bed and they were moved as a unit.

A neighbor helped be get the lathe off the truck and on to a small hand truck. It is currently in the living room still on the hand truck.

I should explain something about my shop. It is one end of my kitchen. I am a widower who lives in a townhouse that has neither a basement or a garage. So my Delta Midi has been set up on a Workmate just inside the patio doors that go out to the deck. It is messy but not many of you can say that your shop is both heated and air conditioned, has a refrigerator, stove, sink and bathroom. Messy but convenient.

Right now the work shop is a disaster area. Moving things around to make room for the lathe. Wood in the dining room that will be used for the lathe stand. Vacuum cleaner to clean up some of the mess from the midi and air compressor to inflate the tires on the dolly and blow some dust out of hard to reach places.

By the end of the week I should be up and running.

Rich Stewart
09-28-2005, 3:28 PM
Hey Harry, I clean my shop with a leaf blower. Then when it gets too deep next to the deck, I run over it with a lawnmower. Now I'm trying to talk wifey into letting me get a shed to put in the backyard. Next comes dust collection. Give a man a lathe ....... I gotta find that thing some feller wrote that followed a nursury book one of his kids had called Give a Mouse Some Cheese. It started out, "Give a man a lathe and he'll want a chainsaw. And on and on.haha Have fun with the new lathe.

Rich Stewart
09-29-2005, 8:13 AM
uh...that would be Give a Mouse a Cookie. Give a mouse a cookie and he'll want a glass of milk. Give him a glass of milk and he'll want a straw. and so on and so on.